Welcome to another episode of Wacky Wednesday, where anything is possible and everything happens for a reason. I am here to say that I am going on a little hiatus for five days so, I won't be able to post the #Fridayreads and Weekend challenge for this week. However I will provide a challenge for this weekend and I challenge myself to read at least a hundred pages of a new novel. What am I thinking starting a new novel when I have started a few already? The case in point is that I am going on vacation and I want to bring along a novel that I know for a fact that I will be into reading rather than a novel that is boring or slow pace like the current reads that I am reading. When I get back on Monday I should have an interesting post about what I have finished or nearly finished. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This is the place to come and read a honest review about any book that I read. On top of reading books, I will participate in posting tags, updates, book hauls, #fridayreads and many other feature from other blogs or custom features from myself.
Wacky Wednesday
Wacky Wednesday,
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Mondays are just plain boring sometimes and in other times the day itself can be quite eventful. That could actually be said about any and all days. Today was quite eventful for me because I have a phone interview with a company that I really really want badly. Hopefully, this Friday I will have a good interview and I am able to receive the job offer.
Now onto the books that I have been reading over the course of several weekends. The challenge for this past weekend was systematically conquered. I even was able to read one chapter in the Host, which was long over due to be read. Knowing that this weekend was very productive in my reading schedule, I feel comfortable in saying that I am out of my reading slump. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Now onto the books that I have been reading over the course of several weekends. The challenge for this past weekend was systematically conquered. I even was able to read one chapter in the Host, which was long over due to be read. Knowing that this weekend was very productive in my reading schedule, I feel comfortable in saying that I am out of my reading slump. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Let another Friday down in the year and tons more to go until next year. In this weeks episode of #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge I once again catch myself rinsing and repeating what I have been saying or more like typing for the last couple of Fridays. I am currently still reading The Thousand Orcs, the Host and Slaughterhouse Five. These novels are good, but they differently put me in a bad reading slump that is hard to dig myself out. Also, I have been preoccupied with Youtube and video games instead of reading the novels that I have picked out for myself. Hopefully I can get back to a more regular reading schedule because I finished the game I was playing which was Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. That is the reason I have been failing at my Weekend Challenges, but I think this weekend I will succeed because first and foremost I will be challenging myself to read two chapter in The Thousand Orcs only. I wish you luck in your reading and future endeavors. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Halfway through the week and its another episode of Wacky Wednesday. This post is going to be more of a simple blog post where I discuss something on my mind. In today society of social media are we pressured to rise to a higher standard of participation? I have a Youtube channel, crazyC88, I haven't posted a video in awhile however I still consider myself an active Youtuber because I comment on videos and view videos that I like.
What I am getting at is should we be dictated by the content of our social media site or by the content of our character? I know personally I don't have a twitter and I don't plan on creating an account because I see no real value in twitter, but I understand why some people would get an account. I think to help with an ever evolving social climate we should have a social media blackout day, where every users can't access there social media for one day allowing everyone to communicate as normal being and not through electronic means. Another thing that I do enjoy and try to strive to achieve is a schedule when and where I twitty, upload and post except people shouldn't be slave to these forms of communication. That is my two cents on social media and what I think about the evolution of social communication. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
What I am getting at is should we be dictated by the content of our social media site or by the content of our character? I know personally I don't have a twitter and I don't plan on creating an account because I see no real value in twitter, but I understand why some people would get an account. I think to help with an ever evolving social climate we should have a social media blackout day, where every users can't access there social media for one day allowing everyone to communicate as normal being and not through electronic means. Another thing that I do enjoy and try to strive to achieve is a schedule when and where I twitty, upload and post except people shouldn't be slave to these forms of communication. That is my two cents on social media and what I think about the evolution of social communication. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Another thrilling day that is Monday. On this episode of Update Monday, I bring good tidings in the form of progress on one front. I have made some head wind in the reading of The Thousand Orcs, which is a high fantasy novel by R.A. Salvatore. So far the novel in what I have read has really wowed me enough to be reading non-stop, but I do enjoy in some form however its differently not my favorite novel read this year.
Now for some disappointing news on the weekend challenge that I keep failing to succeed at. I want to eventually succeed and I will one of these weekends. However I did read The Thousand Orcs, but I didn't read my other current reading novels. Hopefully I can find the time in the day to get to at least one or two chapters in these long forgotten novels of mine. Time is avoiding me and summer vacation is running low on steam, but I will pull through into the autumn season with an even bigger reading push hopefully. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.

New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Another Friday and weekend to boot, its time for another episode of #Fridayreads and a Weekend Challenge. This post is going to be a little short, but to the point. I enjoy posting on Friday because I love to share what I am currently reading and challenge not only myself, but you as well.
This Friday I am still chugging through The Thousand Orcs, the Host and Slaughterhouse Five. Hopefully I can finish one or multiple over this Friday and weekend. Now for the challenge that I issue to myself and my readers is to read at least two chapters in any of your current novels. I am challenging myself thou to finish part II of The Thousand Orcs because that novel is divided into four parts. Good luck on your challenge and have fun reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This Friday I am still chugging through The Thousand Orcs, the Host and Slaughterhouse Five. Hopefully I can finish one or multiple over this Friday and weekend. Now for the challenge that I issue to myself and my readers is to read at least two chapters in any of your current novels. I am challenging myself thou to finish part II of The Thousand Orcs because that novel is divided into four parts. Good luck on your challenge and have fun reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
This Wednesday's episode of Wacky Wednesday will be a little different. In the case that I will discuss not only books and reading, but other avenue of entertainment and how I manage my entertainment pleasure in today technological society. Today, we has a civilization have numerous sources of entertainment from television, radio, books, video games and the Internet. I love every one of those forms of pleasure.
This being a book review blog I love to read, but I also enjoy playing video games and watching videos. This past weekend I was watching a lot of Youtube video from book vloggers to let's players. That one reason why I didn't achieve my reading goal over that weekend and why I was late to the Monday post. Another reason is due to the fact that I was extremely busy with personal matters on Monday which caused for the delay in posting.
What I want to know is what do you enjoy in the entertainment field in today connected world? No matter how advanced our world get we still need to have some form of entertainment and we need to find a balance between different forms of entertainment. If you are like me and I know you are you enjoy multiple forms of entertainment, then it can get a bit overwhelming trying to manage the sources. That is why sometimes I am a little slow in reading and reviewing because I was taking a break from my reading pleasure and focusing on another pleasure source. I hope you find your balance and enjoy the fruit of the entertainment tree. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This being a book review blog I love to read, but I also enjoy playing video games and watching videos. This past weekend I was watching a lot of Youtube video from book vloggers to let's players. That one reason why I didn't achieve my reading goal over that weekend and why I was late to the Monday post. Another reason is due to the fact that I was extremely busy with personal matters on Monday which caused for the delay in posting.
What I want to know is what do you enjoy in the entertainment field in today connected world? No matter how advanced our world get we still need to have some form of entertainment and we need to find a balance between different forms of entertainment. If you are like me and I know you are you enjoy multiple forms of entertainment, then it can get a bit overwhelming trying to manage the sources. That is why sometimes I am a little slow in reading and reviewing because I was taking a break from my reading pleasure and focusing on another pleasure source. I hope you find your balance and enjoy the fruit of the entertainment tree. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Sorry about this Monday, I was extremely busy with other stuff to post this week episode of Update Monday. However, I will say that this past weekend I read a little bit, but I actually watched more Youtube video than I should have done. I am continueing reading my current novels tracks and will keep you up-to-date on the status of those books. Once again I am sorry that this post is a little short, but I don't want to not post anything. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Sorry that this post on this specific Friday was a little late and behind in the time. Being Friday ya'll know what that means its another episode of #Fridayreads and a Weekend Challenge from your wonderful and wacky surrogate crazy. For this particular week pasted, I started two new novels and still chug along with the Host.
For this #Fridayreads, I have selected to continue reading The Thousand Orcs, Slaughterhouse Five and the Host. That is three novels that I am currently reading which is by far the most I have ever attempted to read at one give point in time. However I will only be focusing on one novel and occasionally be reading the others throughout the weekend and upcoming weeks.
For this Weekend Challenge, I will do has I suggested above and focus on one novel and read the other sparely. The Thousand Orcs is the novel that I choose to focus my attention on by reading at least one hundred pages or more. As for the other novels I will try to read one chapter in each for this weekend. I look for to another fascinating Update Monday, which will be upload a little later than normal because of errand throughout the day. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
For this #Fridayreads, I have selected to continue reading The Thousand Orcs, Slaughterhouse Five and the Host. That is three novels that I am currently reading which is by far the most I have ever attempted to read at one give point in time. However I will only be focusing on one novel and occasionally be reading the others throughout the weekend and upcoming weeks.
For this Weekend Challenge, I will do has I suggested above and focus on one novel and read the other sparely. The Thousand Orcs is the novel that I choose to focus my attention on by reading at least one hundred pages or more. As for the other novels I will try to read one chapter in each for this weekend. I look for to another fascinating Update Monday, which will be upload a little later than normal because of errand throughout the day. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
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