
Update Monday

What is this I see on the horizon another Monday? I am differently having the serious case of the Monday and on top of that I failed at this past weekend challenge. I think I might be in a small reading slump because I have two books that I want to read and finish, but I have sat down and picked up these novels since last Thursday. Have you ever had that feeling that you want to read, but you just don't feel like reading the novels you have chosen?

This past weekend challenge was one of two option of finish reading Clockwork Angels or read two chapters each in both the Host and Clockwork Angels. I failed miserably in accomplish either of those challenges and I don't deserve to call myself a book lover. However, I will give myself some credit when credit is due because I have been on a recent reading vendetta in which I have finished novels after novels. Having finished eight novels within a span of two weeks between those eight books is quite impressive for me because I am differently a slow reader.

Hoping for this week to turn out to be a fortunate for my reading endeavor and on a side note a spectacular week for future employment. With a possible job in the near future I can promise to have some necassary book hauls coming to the blog because there is a ton of books that I want to read and purchase. Wish me lots of luck on the employment front and encouragement for the reading front. Stay tune for a book review. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.


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