Welcome back to another round of #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge. I have said before and I will continue to say it, this is by far the best day for blogging because I just feel so inspired to blog. What better to in a week then to blog about you upcoming weekend with what you plan on reading. Now onto some disappointing news in the form of another extended vacation from the blog, I have plans to visit some friends of mine and I most likely won't get to read a whole hell of a lot. So, I will be taking a break starting this Monday until I log back into the blog. What does that mean? It means actually what means I won't be blogging for at least a week, maybe longer depending on when I remember and decided on blogging again. Another reason is I will be starting my first career job in October so, I will be busy getting into a routine on the job.
Without further hesitation I give to you my #Fridayread and my Weekend Challenge for the September, 20th. I am currently reading EONA and the Host. I have planned to get to at least one or two chapters into both novels before the end of the weekend. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This is the place to come and read a honest review about any book that I read. On top of reading books, I will participate in posting tags, updates, book hauls, #fridayreads and many other feature from other blogs or custom features from myself.
Update Monday
Hello and welcome to another episode of Update Monday, where I reveal what happen over the past seven days in my reading world and maybe even reality. First I like to say that I do really enjoy writing on this blog I might not post as much as I could or should, but I do try to be insightful when I do post. So, on the reading front in my world I finished EON and I decided to not jump right into EONA, but rather start Plague: A Gone Novel.
I love reading series and the Gone series by Michael Grant is just the best possible series out there right behind Harry Potter. What other book series has depth, action and a general page tuner feel to it than the Gone series. I love this series so much and I enjoy the fact that I can personally read one book in the series and put it down picking up the next installment a year later and still have the same emotion attached and remembrance. That is the reason for doing this blog to find those awesome series and novel that just need the word to be spread even if the word has been spread. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
I love reading series and the Gone series by Michael Grant is just the best possible series out there right behind Harry Potter. What other book series has depth, action and a general page tuner feel to it than the Gone series. I love this series so much and I enjoy the fact that I can personally read one book in the series and put it down picking up the next installment a year later and still have the same emotion attached and remembrance. That is the reason for doing this blog to find those awesome series and novel that just need the word to be spread even if the word has been spread. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Harry Potter,
Update Monday
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
I am sorry that I didn't post on Wednesday, but I wasn't feeling up to the blog status for that day. However I have wonderful news and my spirits are high and I have never been this excited in a long time. I have heard back from an employer, whom offered a position to me and of course I said yes. So, what does that mean for the blog and my reading hobby. Well first and foremost my career takes president over the blog, but I will still try to post on a decent schedule and time on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday format. I might just be skipping a couple of weeks here and there because I am swamp at work and can't blog those days. Positive aspect would be I am able to purchase some more books grant the books I purchase are the authors that I know and love; this will allow me to have some book hauls on the blog. I will still do the other episodes on the blog which bring me too today episode of #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge.
This Friday I will differently finish EON and start EONA so, I am able to check off a completed series. Now I still have some other books that I have started, but have pick up in awhile I am still planning on reading those as well, but this series EON and EONA is quite good hence the reason for finishing this series over the other books started. What are you currently reading and challenging yourself to accomplish? This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This Friday I will differently finish EON and start EONA so, I am able to check off a completed series. Now I still have some other books that I have started, but have pick up in awhile I am still planning on reading those as well, but this series EON and EONA is quite good hence the reason for finishing this series over the other books started. What are you currently reading and challenging yourself to accomplish? This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
I'm back and ready to begin anew the wonderful world of blogging. I took more than a couple of week hiatus, but I didn't process the needed inspiration for blogging. To be completely honest I still haven't overcome my slump. Don't get me wrong I am still reading and still writing reviews I just haven't been in the mood to post on the blog. Another reason is I forget to post on the schedule days and I didn't want to change up the line-up. There is a reason why I have a Monday, Wednesday and Friday line-up on the blog; its because it's easier to keep track of what I have to write about on the blog.
Now for this episode of Update Monday, I still have been reading quite a lot recently during the slump period on the blog. I have finish A Thousand Orcs, even though I am still reading the Host I have started and nearly finished EON: Dragoneye Reborn. The novel A Thousand Orcs was differently a different read for because first and foremost it was an adult fantasy novel because the main characters were not in their teen years. For my first actual adult fantasy novel it wasn't bad, but I still prefer YA fantasy novels because of the coming-of-age story involved in the novels. Which bring me to EON which is a oriental style novel with dragons, emperor and sword wielding characters. This novel is making me want to blitz throughout to get to the second and final installment, EONA. I have been reading and I will most likely post a review on next Monday. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Now for this episode of Update Monday, I still have been reading quite a lot recently during the slump period on the blog. I have finish A Thousand Orcs, even though I am still reading the Host I have started and nearly finished EON: Dragoneye Reborn. The novel A Thousand Orcs was differently a different read for because first and foremost it was an adult fantasy novel because the main characters were not in their teen years. For my first actual adult fantasy novel it wasn't bad, but I still prefer YA fantasy novels because of the coming-of-age story involved in the novels. Which bring me to EON which is a oriental style novel with dragons, emperor and sword wielding characters. This novel is making me want to blitz throughout to get to the second and final installment, EONA. I have been reading and I will most likely post a review on next Monday. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Welcome to another episode of Wacky Wednesday, where anything is possible and everything happens for a reason. I am here to say that I am going on a little hiatus for five days so, I won't be able to post the #Fridayreads and Weekend challenge for this week. However I will provide a challenge for this weekend and I challenge myself to read at least a hundred pages of a new novel. What am I thinking starting a new novel when I have started a few already? The case in point is that I am going on vacation and I want to bring along a novel that I know for a fact that I will be into reading rather than a novel that is boring or slow pace like the current reads that I am reading. When I get back on Monday I should have an interesting post about what I have finished or nearly finished. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Wacky Wednesday,
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Mondays are just plain boring sometimes and in other times the day itself can be quite eventful. That could actually be said about any and all days. Today was quite eventful for me because I have a phone interview with a company that I really really want badly. Hopefully, this Friday I will have a good interview and I am able to receive the job offer.
Now onto the books that I have been reading over the course of several weekends. The challenge for this past weekend was systematically conquered. I even was able to read one chapter in the Host, which was long over due to be read. Knowing that this weekend was very productive in my reading schedule, I feel comfortable in saying that I am out of my reading slump. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Now onto the books that I have been reading over the course of several weekends. The challenge for this past weekend was systematically conquered. I even was able to read one chapter in the Host, which was long over due to be read. Knowing that this weekend was very productive in my reading schedule, I feel comfortable in saying that I am out of my reading slump. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Let another Friday down in the year and tons more to go until next year. In this weeks episode of #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge I once again catch myself rinsing and repeating what I have been saying or more like typing for the last couple of Fridays. I am currently still reading The Thousand Orcs, the Host and Slaughterhouse Five. These novels are good, but they differently put me in a bad reading slump that is hard to dig myself out. Also, I have been preoccupied with Youtube and video games instead of reading the novels that I have picked out for myself. Hopefully I can get back to a more regular reading schedule because I finished the game I was playing which was Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. That is the reason I have been failing at my Weekend Challenges, but I think this weekend I will succeed because first and foremost I will be challenging myself to read two chapter in The Thousand Orcs only. I wish you luck in your reading and future endeavors. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Halfway through the week and its another episode of Wacky Wednesday. This post is going to be more of a simple blog post where I discuss something on my mind. In today society of social media are we pressured to rise to a higher standard of participation? I have a Youtube channel, crazyC88, I haven't posted a video in awhile however I still consider myself an active Youtuber because I comment on videos and view videos that I like.
What I am getting at is should we be dictated by the content of our social media site or by the content of our character? I know personally I don't have a twitter and I don't plan on creating an account because I see no real value in twitter, but I understand why some people would get an account. I think to help with an ever evolving social climate we should have a social media blackout day, where every users can't access there social media for one day allowing everyone to communicate as normal being and not through electronic means. Another thing that I do enjoy and try to strive to achieve is a schedule when and where I twitty, upload and post except people shouldn't be slave to these forms of communication. That is my two cents on social media and what I think about the evolution of social communication. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
What I am getting at is should we be dictated by the content of our social media site or by the content of our character? I know personally I don't have a twitter and I don't plan on creating an account because I see no real value in twitter, but I understand why some people would get an account. I think to help with an ever evolving social climate we should have a social media blackout day, where every users can't access there social media for one day allowing everyone to communicate as normal being and not through electronic means. Another thing that I do enjoy and try to strive to achieve is a schedule when and where I twitty, upload and post except people shouldn't be slave to these forms of communication. That is my two cents on social media and what I think about the evolution of social communication. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Another thrilling day that is Monday. On this episode of Update Monday, I bring good tidings in the form of progress on one front. I have made some head wind in the reading of The Thousand Orcs, which is a high fantasy novel by R.A. Salvatore. So far the novel in what I have read has really wowed me enough to be reading non-stop, but I do enjoy in some form however its differently not my favorite novel read this year.
Now for some disappointing news on the weekend challenge that I keep failing to succeed at. I want to eventually succeed and I will one of these weekends. However I did read The Thousand Orcs, but I didn't read my other current reading novels. Hopefully I can find the time in the day to get to at least one or two chapters in these long forgotten novels of mine. Time is avoiding me and summer vacation is running low on steam, but I will pull through into the autumn season with an even bigger reading push hopefully. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.

New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Another Friday and weekend to boot, its time for another episode of #Fridayreads and a Weekend Challenge. This post is going to be a little short, but to the point. I enjoy posting on Friday because I love to share what I am currently reading and challenge not only myself, but you as well.
This Friday I am still chugging through The Thousand Orcs, the Host and Slaughterhouse Five. Hopefully I can finish one or multiple over this Friday and weekend. Now for the challenge that I issue to myself and my readers is to read at least two chapters in any of your current novels. I am challenging myself thou to finish part II of The Thousand Orcs because that novel is divided into four parts. Good luck on your challenge and have fun reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This Friday I am still chugging through The Thousand Orcs, the Host and Slaughterhouse Five. Hopefully I can finish one or multiple over this Friday and weekend. Now for the challenge that I issue to myself and my readers is to read at least two chapters in any of your current novels. I am challenging myself thou to finish part II of The Thousand Orcs because that novel is divided into four parts. Good luck on your challenge and have fun reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
This Wednesday's episode of Wacky Wednesday will be a little different. In the case that I will discuss not only books and reading, but other avenue of entertainment and how I manage my entertainment pleasure in today technological society. Today, we has a civilization have numerous sources of entertainment from television, radio, books, video games and the Internet. I love every one of those forms of pleasure.
This being a book review blog I love to read, but I also enjoy playing video games and watching videos. This past weekend I was watching a lot of Youtube video from book vloggers to let's players. That one reason why I didn't achieve my reading goal over that weekend and why I was late to the Monday post. Another reason is due to the fact that I was extremely busy with personal matters on Monday which caused for the delay in posting.
What I want to know is what do you enjoy in the entertainment field in today connected world? No matter how advanced our world get we still need to have some form of entertainment and we need to find a balance between different forms of entertainment. If you are like me and I know you are you enjoy multiple forms of entertainment, then it can get a bit overwhelming trying to manage the sources. That is why sometimes I am a little slow in reading and reviewing because I was taking a break from my reading pleasure and focusing on another pleasure source. I hope you find your balance and enjoy the fruit of the entertainment tree. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This being a book review blog I love to read, but I also enjoy playing video games and watching videos. This past weekend I was watching a lot of Youtube video from book vloggers to let's players. That one reason why I didn't achieve my reading goal over that weekend and why I was late to the Monday post. Another reason is due to the fact that I was extremely busy with personal matters on Monday which caused for the delay in posting.
What I want to know is what do you enjoy in the entertainment field in today connected world? No matter how advanced our world get we still need to have some form of entertainment and we need to find a balance between different forms of entertainment. If you are like me and I know you are you enjoy multiple forms of entertainment, then it can get a bit overwhelming trying to manage the sources. That is why sometimes I am a little slow in reading and reviewing because I was taking a break from my reading pleasure and focusing on another pleasure source. I hope you find your balance and enjoy the fruit of the entertainment tree. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Sorry about this Monday, I was extremely busy with other stuff to post this week episode of Update Monday. However, I will say that this past weekend I read a little bit, but I actually watched more Youtube video than I should have done. I am continueing reading my current novels tracks and will keep you up-to-date on the status of those books. Once again I am sorry that this post is a little short, but I don't want to not post anything. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Sorry that this post on this specific Friday was a little late and behind in the time. Being Friday ya'll know what that means its another episode of #Fridayreads and a Weekend Challenge from your wonderful and wacky surrogate crazy. For this particular week pasted, I started two new novels and still chug along with the Host.
For this #Fridayreads, I have selected to continue reading The Thousand Orcs, Slaughterhouse Five and the Host. That is three novels that I am currently reading which is by far the most I have ever attempted to read at one give point in time. However I will only be focusing on one novel and occasionally be reading the others throughout the weekend and upcoming weeks.
For this Weekend Challenge, I will do has I suggested above and focus on one novel and read the other sparely. The Thousand Orcs is the novel that I choose to focus my attention on by reading at least one hundred pages or more. As for the other novels I will try to read one chapter in each for this weekend. I look for to another fascinating Update Monday, which will be upload a little later than normal because of errand throughout the day. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
For this #Fridayreads, I have selected to continue reading The Thousand Orcs, Slaughterhouse Five and the Host. That is three novels that I am currently reading which is by far the most I have ever attempted to read at one give point in time. However I will only be focusing on one novel and occasionally be reading the others throughout the weekend and upcoming weeks.
For this Weekend Challenge, I will do has I suggested above and focus on one novel and read the other sparely. The Thousand Orcs is the novel that I choose to focus my attention on by reading at least one hundred pages or more. As for the other novels I will try to read one chapter in each for this weekend. I look for to another fascinating Update Monday, which will be upload a little later than normal because of errand throughout the day. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Going, going and gone is another day, but this day is the wonderful and funny Wacky Wednesday. For this edition of Wacky Wednesday I decided I will talk about a specific book series that I want desperately made into a movie or television series. There is countless books out in the world and Hollywood recently has had a fascination of making adaptation of those books. I am here to discuss one of my favorite book series that I believe can be a great movie or even a television series.
The series that I want to introduce to a possibly of being an adaptation is the Heir Chronicles by Cinda Williams Chima. The story is filled with magic-packed mystery with an interesting hierarchy system. The inspiration comes from the War of the Rose because the completing sides are both the White Rose and Red Rose which is this world of weir are controlled by the family of wizards, people born with wizard stones. Now the series first follows the last of the Warriors whom must complete in a game, but eventually thing go a little sour causing a rift to form between the England side of the pond and the American side of the pond. Who doesn't love a good tyranny versus liberty story? The characters in the whole series are wonderful and well-rounded character to enjoy throughout the adventure. So, with the on set of the Hunger Games why not have a fantasy version for the lovers of fantasy genre. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The series that I want to introduce to a possibly of being an adaptation is the Heir Chronicles by Cinda Williams Chima. The story is filled with magic-packed mystery with an interesting hierarchy system. The inspiration comes from the War of the Rose because the completing sides are both the White Rose and Red Rose which is this world of weir are controlled by the family of wizards, people born with wizard stones. Now the series first follows the last of the Warriors whom must complete in a game, but eventually thing go a little sour causing a rift to form between the England side of the pond and the American side of the pond. Who doesn't love a good tyranny versus liberty story? The characters in the whole series are wonderful and well-rounded character to enjoy throughout the adventure. So, with the on set of the Hunger Games why not have a fantasy version for the lovers of fantasy genre. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Magyk Review
Do you want or love a magical world beyond your imagination? Don't bother looking any further than Magyk by Angie Sage. This novel is similar in scope to the first few Harry Potter novels with a magical world, children learning about magic and so on. The world is breathe-taking simple to explain, but rather fun in a great middle grade style especially the different chants used for spells and the characteristic of some of the wizard characters. Now this book isn't Harry Potter, but a new series in its own right that features a kingdom with wizards and a wizard's tower along with a newly crown queen by the end of the novel who is only ten years old. The story is the basic good versus evil present in most if not all middle grade reads. However, I see like some other series that this book series will become quite mature has the characters themselves age. All in all I recommend this book and its corresponding series if you want a series to grow and evolve while you read the series. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
middle grade
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Hey guys and gals, welcome to another update Monday. Where the place to be is smack down in the middle of this post because I will give you the 411 on my reading schedule. First off lets begin with the challenge that I made this past weekend, I challenge myself to finish Clockwork Angels and I accomplish that task. Now I didn't get to read any of the Host, but I figured that I will get to it after finishing the current major project.
After completing the challenge I took a break from reading the rest of the day on Sunday. However I did choose two new novels to feel the void. I selected Slaughterhouse Five (ebook) and A Thousand Orcs, a fantasy novel set in the Forgotten Realm series. Lets recap what I am currently reading this moment I am reading the Host, Slaughterhouse Five and A Thousand Orcs.
These three novels are differently novels that I want to read, but I don't have a real drive to read these three. I hope once I begin reading one of these novels that I will get deeply invested and will continue at an alarming speed to finish the novel. Have you ever had those moment when you wanted to read, but didn't have the passion behind the book you will reading? That is the feeling I have right now about my upcoming trial and tribulation. Hopefully I can get over that feeling and get to more books. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
After completing the challenge I took a break from reading the rest of the day on Sunday. However I did choose two new novels to feel the void. I selected Slaughterhouse Five (ebook) and A Thousand Orcs, a fantasy novel set in the Forgotten Realm series. Lets recap what I am currently reading this moment I am reading the Host, Slaughterhouse Five and A Thousand Orcs.
These three novels are differently novels that I want to read, but I don't have a real drive to read these three. I hope once I begin reading one of these novels that I will get deeply invested and will continue at an alarming speed to finish the novel. Have you ever had those moment when you wanted to read, but didn't have the passion behind the book you will reading? That is the feeling I have right now about my upcoming trial and tribulation. Hopefully I can get over that feeling and get to more books. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Its Friday once again and we all know what that means, it's time for another installment of the popular #Fridayreads and my personal feature Weekend Challenge. Before I even get to those features I would first like to say that I am differently in a reading slump. Now this blog is actually helping me not stay in a deep reading depression rather a more mild reading recession because the blog reminds me that I eventually will have to have another review to post in order to continue this blog.
Here is for all the hope and luck in the world that I am able to pull myself out of this slump with this Friday and weekend. Now I am still reading the same books that I have been reading for the past couple of Fridays. For today on this #Fridayreads, I am currently reading Clockwork Angels and the Host. I have only read about two chapters in the Host and I am half way through the other novel.
For the Weekend Challenge, I want and will challenge myself to finish Clockwork Angels that is it for the challenges. I know what you are thinking where is the Host challenge? Well I plan on reading that to this weekend, but only when I pick the novel and I have no plans to reach a certain page number or chapter I will just read for the sake of reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Here is for all the hope and luck in the world that I am able to pull myself out of this slump with this Friday and weekend. Now I am still reading the same books that I have been reading for the past couple of Fridays. For today on this #Fridayreads, I am currently reading Clockwork Angels and the Host. I have only read about two chapters in the Host and I am half way through the other novel.
For the Weekend Challenge, I want and will challenge myself to finish Clockwork Angels that is it for the challenges. I know what you are thinking where is the Host challenge? Well I plan on reading that to this weekend, but only when I pick the novel and I have no plans to reach a certain page number or chapter I will just read for the sake of reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
It's that time again, what time? It's Wacky Wednesday where on this blog I provide tags, lists and other fun features from other blogs or vlog over at YouTube. This is probably my funnest feature on the blog because I get to dive into making lists and perform tags, which I enjoy writing about. Also, these post tend to be a little shorter than the average post from Mondays and Fridays.
This Wednesday I have decided to make a list of my favorite characters and the novel/series they are from. Grant it most of the characters are actually from a series because most of what I read has a series attached. So, let the fun begin with my top 11 favorite characters from novel/series.
This Wednesday I have decided to make a list of my favorite characters and the novel/series they are from. Grant it most of the characters are actually from a series because most of what I read has a series attached. So, let the fun begin with my top 11 favorite characters from novel/series.
- Merlin - Lost Years of Merlin Saga
- What better person to have on the top of the list than Merlin, himself. I love wizards ever since reading Harry Potter and Lost Years of Merlin I have fonding for wizards.
- Joseph (Seph) McCauley - Heir Chronicles
- Another wizard and this was a great series, I love the termoil that Seph goes through both physically and mentally.
- Han Alister - Seven Realm series
- Another wizard and quite the opposite character that I enjoy reading about because he is a reformed thief lord turn wizard. His actions and motives are quite of self-centered except when it comes to his family. There is a part in the novel series that makes me cry for him, but I won't reveal it.
- Nick Gautier - Chronicles of Nick series
- Who won't like wise-cracking, half-demon and half-human teenage boy. He is very satirical and funny with tons of one liners ready and waiting.
- Eugenides - Queen's Thief series
- Mysterious in many ways, but that is what makes me love to read about him and the series is very serialized leading up to a big punch line or reveal.
- Professor Snape - Harry Potter series
- Who doesn't feel sorry for Snape. I mean he has an unrequirest love and was quite brillant, but was toss aside only to be vendication in the end.
- Vladimir Tod - Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
- Another satirical and funny character that is full of one liners and humorous dialogue.
- Henry Grim - Knightley Academy
- He is the knight version of Harry Potter, but without the magical influence to back the story. Instead the story is propelled by mystery and political twists.
- Queen Attolia - Queen's Thief series
- She is a strong, independent ruler that is in love with Eugenides. What else is there to say about this character I enjoy reading strong female roles.
- Damon Salvatore - Vampire Diaries
- By far the character in both the novel and show. I admire the character dark and chilling nature and can't help, but root for him to succeed in whatever he wants to accomplish.
- Seth Clearwater - Twilight Saga
- The sidekick character always fascinates me because I consider myself to be a good fit in most if not all sidekick or secondary character roles. Also, his story in particular makes me want to read more about him.
New Bern, NC, USA
Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion Review
Have you ever loved a book series enough that you hoped and wished for Hollywood to make a movie or television series about it? For the Vampire Diaries, I had the exact opposite happen I enjoy the show so much that I wanted to read the source material. I said in the review of volume one of the Vampire Diaries that the novelization is completely different from the show. That statement holds true with this next installment because it follow none of the story-line from the show rather has its own agenda. All the novels and show has in common is the main characters and the general love interest between Elena and the Salvatore's Brothers. That being pointed out the writing style isn't quite bad being typical of a YA novel, where the characters talk in the language of the day which in the novel was the early 90s. The characters are independent, but occasionally get annoying to read about except for Damon, who is by far the most interesting character in both the novels and show and my favorite characters out of the all. Overall, the book series is good if you want a new and fresh version of the Vampire Diaries in between the show seasons. Don't let the vampire in your home unless you love them. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
book to movie adaptation,
Vampire Diaries,
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
The started of another week and its Monday. On this episode of Update Monday, I have some troubling news to bring on the reading front. I once again failed at my reading challenge this past weekend and I didn't read on Friday. Am I a bad reader or just a bad book reviewer?
I think that I am a decent reviewer if only I could read everyday I think I could be better at reading. Part of me knows the reason for not being in a reading mood. Those reasons are that I decided to watched the marathon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Sunday and some family emergency came up that took priority. Beside reading countless number of series, I still enjoy a ton of serialized television and I like to watch certain shows. This Update Monday is a little lite, but at least I do have a review that I will be posting today. Hopefully this week is better on the reading battlefield because I have blitz through some novels maybe I need to slow down a bit and take a hiatus from reading. So, I am still reading the novels from my #Fridayreads segment and I will continue to read and finish those novels. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Fridays are always the best part of any week. Wouldn't you agree with my undertaking? I mean Fridays is the start of the weekend and for some people its the end of the work week and allows for those people to spend their hard earn money. What better way to spend money than to support the publishing industry by purchasing countless novels to read for the upcoming weeks on and your Fridays and weekends. This is one reason while #Fridayreads was created and has been taken to a whole new level with hundreds of thousands of people #Fridayreads their reading schedule on twitter, youtube and other social media platforms.
For this Friday, I plan on continuing reading Clockwork Angels and the Host. Now, Clockwork Angels is differently the novel that I have a higher priority in reading because I am most of the way completed. The Host on the other hand is a lower priority and I just don't feel into reading that particular novel at the moment.
That being suggested I also have my weekend challenge plan for this weekend. I know last weekend I failed horribly at my challenge, but this weekend I plan on completing my challenge. This time around I plan on finishing Clockwork Angels and reading at least two chapters in the Host. After finishing Clockwork Angels I think I will challenge myself to started the next book by reading one chapter of a new novel on my TBR. That is this weekends reading schedule and challenge; this has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Boom! Boom! Boom! Welcome to a world of pure imagination just kidding I won't burst into song, but that was a very catchy song growing up I loved Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. That being said I have decided that this Wednesday edition of Wacky Wednesday will be all about movies and more specifically those cheesy book to movie adaptation.
You all know and have seen those movies that I am talking about. Don't act like you haven't read or watched the books or movies, respectively. Now I will be the first to admit that I have read and watch those adaptation movies and I tend to enjoy them for what they are and that is the pure entertainment value. I don't consider myself to be a uber fan and go crazy and angry if the movie doesn't live up to the novel because I know that I will always have the novel to fall back on even if the movie is a flop. These following is the list of my favorite adaptation movies.
You all know and have seen those movies that I am talking about. Don't act like you haven't read or watched the books or movies, respectively. Now I will be the first to admit that I have read and watch those adaptation movies and I tend to enjoy them for what they are and that is the pure entertainment value. I don't consider myself to be a uber fan and go crazy and angry if the movie doesn't live up to the novel because I know that I will always have the novel to fall back on even if the movie is a flop. These following is the list of my favorite adaptation movies.
- Harry Potter movie series - who haven't and wouldn't want to watch this series. The movies do great justice to the book series; it may have bits and piece changed in the movie, but that was to make a better movie. Overall, this movie series is one of the better book to movie adaptation.
- Twilight saga - I know I have actually read the Twilight books and I quite enjoy there value for what they are worth and that is the pure imagination and entertainment. The movies just like with Harry Potter played very well with the source material, but against some things were changed to make sense in the movie world rather than the literacy world. Overall, the movie weren't totally bad however they are like the books in being strictly entertainment.
- The Vampire Diaries - I know that this isn't a movie, but rather a television adaptation and I just couldn't leave it out of this list. The show is awesome with the correct amount of suspense and supernatural fill to make anyone enjoy the show. The big difference between the show and the source material is huge meaning that the show just takes the name and the general concepts. The show is overhaul of the series which created a new Vampire Diaries. Overall, the show is great to watch without having read the books and the books are still awesome to read because they don't really follow the show.
Now that you have seen a little bit of my taste in both movies and television I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book to movie adaptation,
Hunger Games,
Wacky Wednesday
New Bern, NC, USA
Inferno Review
What do you get with sword-welding, magic using ancient beings whom fights demons hell bent on chaos and mayhem? The answer to that question is given in the outstanding Chronicles of Nick series, in particular this review of the fourth installment Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This series falls in the dark hunters universe created by the same author, Sherrilyn Kenyon, for adults and its YA version, Chronicles of Nick is the equivalent of the Mortal Instrument series, but for males. In this series, you have kick-ass leads, both male and female with witty and thought provoking dialogue to transition the scenes. For example, there is one section on page 160 to 167 that has a letter written by one of the minor characters about bullying for the anti-bullying club which is extreme powerful and will possibly have you in or on the verge of tears after reading it. That was just one aspect of this novel. The reason to pick up this gods filled novel is because of the main story of the title character, Nick, fighting is nature and destiny of possibly being the end of all humanity. Now this is the fourth in the series with another installment out in April 2014, but this novel answered a ton of questions however still left some more questions to be answered. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
What is this I see on the horizon another Monday? I am differently having the serious case of the Monday and on top of that I failed at this past weekend challenge. I think I might be in a small reading slump because I have two books that I want to read and finish, but I have sat down and picked up these novels since last Thursday. Have you ever had that feeling that you want to read, but you just don't feel like reading the novels you have chosen?
This past weekend challenge was one of two option of finish reading Clockwork Angels or read two chapters each in both the Host and Clockwork Angels. I failed miserably in accomplish either of those challenges and I don't deserve to call myself a book lover. However, I will give myself some credit when credit is due because I have been on a recent reading vendetta in which I have finished novels after novels. Having finished eight novels within a span of two weeks between those eight books is quite impressive for me because I am differently a slow reader.
Hoping for this week to turn out to be a fortunate for my reading endeavor and on a side note a spectacular week for future employment. With a possible job in the near future I can promise to have some necassary book hauls coming to the blog because there is a ton of books that I want to read and purchase. Wish me lots of luck on the employment front and encouragement for the reading front. Stay tune for a book review. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This past weekend challenge was one of two option of finish reading Clockwork Angels or read two chapters each in both the Host and Clockwork Angels. I failed miserably in accomplish either of those challenges and I don't deserve to call myself a book lover. However, I will give myself some credit when credit is due because I have been on a recent reading vendetta in which I have finished novels after novels. Having finished eight novels within a span of two weeks between those eight books is quite impressive for me because I am differently a slow reader.
Hoping for this week to turn out to be a fortunate for my reading endeavor and on a side note a spectacular week for future employment. With a possible job in the near future I can promise to have some necassary book hauls coming to the blog because there is a ton of books that I want to read and purchase. Wish me lots of luck on the employment front and encouragement for the reading front. Stay tune for a book review. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Another Friday is upon us and you know actually what that means. Its #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge time. I love when Friday rolls around because of these two events that I host on my blog. Did you know that #Fridayreads was conceived by Patrick, who tweets as @JustBethanne, in which people reveal what they are reading that Friday and over the weekend.
For this #Fridayreads I have decided to continue reading Clockwork Angels and the Host. During the weekend, I plan on challenging myself to take my #Fridayreads books and either finish Clockwork Angels or just read two chapters of both of the novels. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
For this #Fridayreads I have decided to continue reading Clockwork Angels and the Host. During the weekend, I plan on challenging myself to take my #Fridayreads books and either finish Clockwork Angels or just read two chapters of both of the novels. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Welcome to another Wacky Wednesday, where I choose the topic of the day. I have chosen a terrific tag which originate over on the Tube (i.e. Youtube) by the talented and amazing, theBookTuber. Go watch his video tag at (New) LITERARY IDENTIFICATION TAG. I really love watching booktubia video because the community is so warm and welcoming. I am technically a member of that community because I started reviewing books over there, but I decided I wanted to rebrand myself before branching back out to the booktube community. Now on with the tag of today.
The question within this tag were of the following variety.
1. What fictional character is most like you? (Personality)
2. What character would you most like to play in a book-to-movie adaptation?
3. What character do you physically resemble the most?
4. What is a quote from a book that hits home/describes something in your life really well?
5. What character do you have the most sympathy for?
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The question within this tag were of the following variety.
1. What fictional character is most like you? (Personality)
- I would have to select Henry Grimm from Knightley Academy because I love to continue read and learn even if it turn on to be a chore.
2. What character would you most like to play in a book-to-movie adaptation?
- I would have to pick the title character of the Inheritance Cycle, Eragon because who won't want to become a dragon rider and have magical powers. Also, I see some feature in Eragon that I process.
3. What character do you physically resemble the most?
- I would select Harry Potter because of the spectators.
4. What is a quote from a book that hits home/describes something in your life really well?
- A chapter from Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon where one of the minor characters wrote about bullying.
5. What character do you have the most sympathy for?
- Snape from Harry Potter or Nick Gautier from the Dark Hunter universe.
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
You know what time it is its Update Monday. The one day in the week where I present what I am currently reading, what I did over the weekend and if I complete that challenge that I made on #Fridayreads. Occasionally, on Monday I will have review to be posted because I finished a novel that I was currently reading with only having one to post reviews allows for review to somewhat build up because I could finish a couple of novels in a week time, but most likely not.
First things is I would like to congratulate myself on another job or challenge well-done because I am nearly finished with Magyk and I started the Host. Magyk was differently the book that I read most over this past week because it was just so addicting and I couldn't put the book down. On the other hand, the Host was a different story altogether because I could really only read a couple of chapters. At this rate the Host is looking similar in reading style to Night Magic in which I will have to take the novel a bit slower than normal meaning the Host will take for ever to finish, but I am okay with the outcome.
Do to my recent obsession with Magyk I plan to have that novel finish later on today or early tomorrow. That being said I have already select the next book that I plan on reading after Magyk and the selection from the Cup of Titles came forth Clockwork Angels. Now Clockwork Angels is not the Cassandra Clare's novel, but rather the novelization of the Rush album, Clockwork Angels. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
First things is I would like to congratulate myself on another job or challenge well-done because I am nearly finished with Magyk and I started the Host. Magyk was differently the book that I read most over this past week because it was just so addicting and I couldn't put the book down. On the other hand, the Host was a different story altogether because I could really only read a couple of chapters. At this rate the Host is looking similar in reading style to Night Magic in which I will have to take the novel a bit slower than normal meaning the Host will take for ever to finish, but I am okay with the outcome.
Do to my recent obsession with Magyk I plan to have that novel finish later on today or early tomorrow. That being said I have already select the next book that I plan on reading after Magyk and the selection from the Cup of Titles came forth Clockwork Angels. Now Clockwork Angels is not the Cassandra Clare's novel, but rather the novelization of the Rush album, Clockwork Angels. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Update Monday
New Bern, NC, USA
Inheritance Review
What better joy in the world than to finish an epic fantasy series. Most of us if not all of us enjoy fantasy novels be them urban fantasy, epic fantasy, high fantasy and the list can continue on to what seems like an epic proportion. I know when I finish fantasy series I feel a relief of longing because you spent a majority of your time in this world and got to know the character so, when the story is over you might not want to leave. If you get that feeling of not wanting to leave from any series especially a fantasy series, then the author did his job correctly.
Another high fantasy novel series full with cliche elements about humans, elves and good versus evil scenario. However we still love those story no matter how cliche as long as the characters and plot captivate us to forget that its cliche. Inheritance and Inheritance Cycle does just that splendidly because I saw those cliche elements on countless and I mean countless pages. Those elements were litter throughout the series such as the mentors, creating of the sword and the meaning behind the names of things. All of these elements and more are present in the novels, but I didn't care I was involved with the characters most of the time. Maybe it was easier for me to overlook the cliche elements because I am a character driven reader or I choose not to judge the novel and author use of cliches and read the novel for what it was cliches and all. The story is of a young boy turn Dragon Rider, whom strives to free all the lands of an evil tyrant's tyranny. How cliche can you get with that, but the series is great especially the journey of the author's writing style because with each new installment his writing improve each time. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Another high fantasy novel series full with cliche elements about humans, elves and good versus evil scenario. However we still love those story no matter how cliche as long as the characters and plot captivate us to forget that its cliche. Inheritance and Inheritance Cycle does just that splendidly because I saw those cliche elements on countless and I mean countless pages. Those elements were litter throughout the series such as the mentors, creating of the sword and the meaning behind the names of things. All of these elements and more are present in the novels, but I didn't care I was involved with the characters most of the time. Maybe it was easier for me to overlook the cliche elements because I am a character driven reader or I choose not to judge the novel and author use of cliches and read the novel for what it was cliches and all. The story is of a young boy turn Dragon Rider, whom strives to free all the lands of an evil tyrant's tyranny. How cliche can you get with that, but the series is great especially the journey of the author's writing style because with each new installment his writing improve each time. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
New Bern, NC, USA
Blog Status
Hello followers, viewers and just plain readers I have finally got caught up with my reviews from Goodreads. That means I can finally get to what I want this blog to be and that is being able to post on a regular schedule and occasionally post on a random not scheduled day if something of quite amazing happen in my reading schedule such as purchasing a book that I have been waiting countless days to possess or finishing a novel and letting you guys know about it, but I won't review books until Update Monday.
Having a schedule will help me to keep this blog going beyond what I have done before because I have started a couple of blogs before and none of them ever really struck around. The reason being because I think I was just blogging for the shake of blogging; this blog is a little I still blogging just to blog, but I have some passion in this subject to keep this blog up-to-date. Now, I try to keep up with the trend in popular fiction, but I don't go out and strive for the popular I read and buy what I love giving you reviews from popular and non-popular novels allowing for a more honest review.
My posting schedule can be found on my introduction post or down below:
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Having a schedule will help me to keep this blog going beyond what I have done before because I have started a couple of blogs before and none of them ever really struck around. The reason being because I think I was just blogging for the shake of blogging; this blog is a little I still blogging just to blog, but I have some passion in this subject to keep this blog up-to-date. Now, I try to keep up with the trend in popular fiction, but I don't go out and strive for the popular I read and buy what I love giving you reviews from popular and non-popular novels allowing for a more honest review.
My posting schedule can be found on my introduction post or down below:
- Update Monday - where I update what I am currently reading, if I accomplish my Weekend Challenge, finished a novel or in a separate post a review if I have one.
- Wacky Wednesday - where I do book hauls, book tags, discussion and favorites
- #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge - where I show you what I am reading on Friday and give to you my challenge.
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Update Monday,
Wacky Wednesday,
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Sorry that this is a little late on the posting. I almost forgot to post a #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge this week. Reason being is because this week has been a literal hell; that being with my brother getting a transplant and dealing with being the only person in the home I don't feel like doing a whole lot.
For reading I gotten a good way in Magyk, but I have yet to start the Host. Hopefully during this Weekend challenge I will focus on reading the Host and getting further along and maybe even finishing Magyk. I know that finishing Magyk would be a tall order because its around 500+ pages, but the pacing of the novel is quite adept at being fast. The Host on the other hand is the novel that is scaring me half to death because I don't want it to put me in a reading slump.
For this #Fridayreads, I am reading Magyk and the Host.
For this Weekend Challenge, I challenge myself to read the first fifty pages of the Host and to continue to progress throughout Magyk to chapter 20.
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
For reading I gotten a good way in Magyk, but I have yet to start the Host. Hopefully during this Weekend challenge I will focus on reading the Host and getting further along and maybe even finishing Magyk. I know that finishing Magyk would be a tall order because its around 500+ pages, but the pacing of the novel is quite adept at being fast. The Host on the other hand is the novel that is scaring me half to death because I don't want it to put me in a reading slump.
For this #Fridayreads, I am reading Magyk and the Host.
For this Weekend Challenge, I challenge myself to read the first fifty pages of the Host and to continue to progress throughout Magyk to chapter 20.
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Ninth Grade Slays Review
Do you want a funny and action-packed story? I personally love when the author themselves have children the age of the protagonist because it provides a real unique quality to the story. In the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer, she has a couple of boys around the same age as the main character and sidekick. That another interesting fact about novels is most young adult novels have the best minor characters because in most case I always love the minor character and the main character is a 50-50 chance of me hating the character.
Here is an another book part of a series for review, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer. For the people who can't determine what this is about from the cover or character name this novel is about vampires. What I like about this vampire series is that Vlad is true blue teenager and not 300 something year old playing a teen. Vlad has to go through puberty just like any normal boy, but he has the added pressure of controlling his blood lust. The story seems original, but some plot elements seem a little cliche. However the characters of Vlad and Henry make up for it with their charm and general naivety. Overall, I gave this book five stars because its funny, catchy and a fast-pace read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Here is an another book part of a series for review, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer. For the people who can't determine what this is about from the cover or character name this novel is about vampires. What I like about this vampire series is that Vlad is true blue teenager and not 300 something year old playing a teen. Vlad has to go through puberty just like any normal boy, but he has the added pressure of controlling his blood lust. The story seems original, but some plot elements seem a little cliche. However the characters of Vlad and Henry make up for it with their charm and general naivety. Overall, I gave this book five stars because its funny, catchy and a fast-pace read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Legacy Review
My reviews are actually finally dwindling down when I will only be reviewing books on Update Monday and when I have a review to present. What does that me for this blog? First and foremost it means I will on a schedule of updates. Then the ultimate change would be fewer posts. The posts were only be on the schedule days being Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In this regard I think it will make the blog much better in content and consistency. The schedule will be taking full effect on Monday, July 8th 2013.
Another review of an outstanding five star book is Legacy by Cayla Kluver. This novel started out what a normal reader would consider a three star book, but as you continue to read the novel the characters, setting, and even the eventual love pairing develop the book into what I consider a five star book. The book in itself lean towards the fairy tale setting of princesses, knights, kingdoms and feuds. As the reader you will be transported to a fantastic world all from the mind of a young teenage girl. The prose is pure poetry guiding you throughout the story wanting to see what happen to Alera and her struggles. Now this book and like all books its not without its faults such as being somewhat cliches or having the main character, Alera, sometimes being a stubborn self-centered brat, but this is kind of taken care of with the heavily influenced medieval theme throughout the book which the author does a magnificent job in performing. Some particular scenes involve the charming Narian and the glorious Alera with their intellect conversation causing Alera to actually think about her role toward duty or love. All in all a wonderful fairy-tale for any reader. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Another review of an outstanding five star book is Legacy by Cayla Kluver. This novel started out what a normal reader would consider a three star book, but as you continue to read the novel the characters, setting, and even the eventual love pairing develop the book into what I consider a five star book. The book in itself lean towards the fairy tale setting of princesses, knights, kingdoms and feuds. As the reader you will be transported to a fantastic world all from the mind of a young teenage girl. The prose is pure poetry guiding you throughout the story wanting to see what happen to Alera and her struggles. Now this book and like all books its not without its faults such as being somewhat cliches or having the main character, Alera, sometimes being a stubborn self-centered brat, but this is kind of taken care of with the heavily influenced medieval theme throughout the book which the author does a magnificent job in performing. Some particular scenes involve the charming Narian and the glorious Alera with their intellect conversation causing Alera to actually think about her role toward duty or love. All in all a wonderful fairy-tale for any reader. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Another Wacky Wednesday morning to ya'll. What should I have this Wednesday be about? I have done quite a bit of tags should I try something new. How about I to a 1/2 year wrap-up along with a to be read and end with my currently reading books. All throughout the Tube (Youtube) I have seen monthly wrap-up and some 1/2 year wrap-up so, why not have me give it a whirl I might actually like it. What I plan on doing is having another wrap-up in December where I list all the books that I read in 2013 and maybe even pick out of the list my top favorites.
From January to June, I have been reading up quite a storm for me personally. I have read a whopping total of nine books which is quite a lot for myself to accomplish. July is getting off to a wonderful start in which the first couple days I finish one book and I am pretty certain I will be able to finish my next novel in a few days. For my to be read pile, I have switch selecting the book to a cup method in which I have the book titles on a scrap piece of paper and draw them out at random. This method I like because almost every book I my self I want to read badly and with this method I get a random selection. I also think I am reading the selection a little faster because I took the guessing out of selecting a novel to read.
January - June Books
From January to June, I have been reading up quite a storm for me personally. I have read a whopping total of nine books which is quite a lot for myself to accomplish. July is getting off to a wonderful start in which the first couple days I finish one book and I am pretty certain I will be able to finish my next novel in a few days. For my to be read pile, I have switch selecting the book to a cup method in which I have the book titles on a scrap piece of paper and draw them out at random. This method I like because almost every book I my self I want to read badly and with this method I get a random selection. I also think I am reading the selection a little faster because I took the guessing out of selecting a novel to read.
January - June Books
- The Gray Wolf Throne
- Ink Exchange
- Night Magic
- Skarlet: Part One of the Vampire Trinity
- The Awakening and The Struggle
- Legacy
- Ninth Grade Slays
- Inheritance
- Inferno
Top 5 to be read pile
- Magyk
- the Host
- the Clockwork Angels
- Plague
- The Fallen
New Bern, NC, USA
The Vampire Diaries Volume 1 Review
Who here loves the Vampire Diaries television show? Did you know that it first was a book series before it was a television series? We live in a world where a ton of popular young adult fiction is becoming movies and television shows. I personally love that I get to see my favorite characters on the screen even if I read the book series after I started watching the show. Reading and watching the show in most cases is quite different specially in the case of the Vampire Diaries. The book series has a different twist than the show along with new characters or changes in characters. In most cases the changes are decent and helps out the show story quite a bit.
Welcome to another review of an intriguing book, which is a bind-up of The Vampire Diaries series by L.J. Smith. Now to start off the review this series is a smokey hot hit show airing on the CW network, but similarity between the show and the books are few and far between each other. If you are a fan of the show I would warn you that when reading the books you have to separate the two forms of media because the book and show only really have the main characters of Elena, Stefan and Damon everything else is created for the show theatrics. However the book is different, but in a good way meaning you can watch the show for one variation of the Vampire Diaries and have a completely different experience when reading the novels allowing for a double dose of Vampire Diaries greatness. The thing that sticks out with the novel is that the characters seem at first to be a little one-dimensional, but eventually grow on you. My favorites parts and characters in the novel was anything really connecting and centered around Damon because he seemed to be the most rounded and well-written character out of the bunch being so calm and collective with an air of confident around him. All in all, the novel proves to me why the Vampires Diaries is such a huge hit on television because of the great source material, but the main reason for enjoying the novel series is the fact that you can get a double dose with two similar and different stories being portray in both written and visual media. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Skarlet Review
Who loves the creatures that go bump in the night? I personally have a love and hate relationship with Vampire novels because in most cases it has the Anna Rice formula of being ancient and in love with a human. There is nothing wrong with that formula, but it make finding really good vampire books hard because most of them are really a romance book masquerading has a vampire book. I enjoy those romantic vampire novels as much as anyone else, but there is a time and place for them. I would rather read about the vampires being monsters or dealing with living in the human world. If the romantic vampire books can give me that then its a good vampire book.
This time the book was a ARC given to me in a Goodreads giveaway of Skarlet by Thomas Emson. I am going to give this book a honest review because all books need those honest reviews. The premise of the story sounded intriguing so, I went into the novel wanting to find out the juicy secret lying within. The structure of the book is broken into five parts with over a hundred chapters with just under four hundred pages which means a chapter a page. However the structure with the story was still interesting it had a steady pace throughout the novel until the climax of the story allowing for the characters to be believable and grounded. At times the book felt and is aware of its average nature because the book wasn't the greatest and not the worst it might be overlook by most people. Fair warning with this novel the language is quite heavy, but what do you expect from adult talking to adult when they are angry. If after all I said and you still reading this, then you might want to pick this up if you are into paranormal or need a new vampire series to read. I will let you know that one of my favorite part in the book was in part five which was a great tie-in to the other novels in the Vampire Trinity. All in all, this book is average in its best form allowing for people to love or hate this book or to even overlook this novel. How about you read this novel and determine if you think its a crap book, an average book or a complete masterpiece? This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This time the book was a ARC given to me in a Goodreads giveaway of Skarlet by Thomas Emson. I am going to give this book a honest review because all books need those honest reviews. The premise of the story sounded intriguing so, I went into the novel wanting to find out the juicy secret lying within. The structure of the book is broken into five parts with over a hundred chapters with just under four hundred pages which means a chapter a page. However the structure with the story was still interesting it had a steady pace throughout the novel until the climax of the story allowing for the characters to be believable and grounded. At times the book felt and is aware of its average nature because the book wasn't the greatest and not the worst it might be overlook by most people. Fair warning with this novel the language is quite heavy, but what do you expect from adult talking to adult when they are angry. If after all I said and you still reading this, then you might want to pick this up if you are into paranormal or need a new vampire series to read. I will let you know that one of my favorite part in the book was in part five which was a great tie-in to the other novels in the Vampire Trinity. All in all, this book is average in its best form allowing for people to love or hate this book or to even overlook this novel. How about you read this novel and determine if you think its a crap book, an average book or a complete masterpiece? This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Another Monday in this case I differently have one of the worst cases of Mondays. I feel like I don't want to do anything, but I have plenty of things to do. Some of the tasks needed to be performed today would be going to the Community College and making sure the financial aid is set along with improving my record to register for classes. On top of that I still need to find a job in which no ones want to hire a recent graduate in computer engineering; I know that its a highly demanded field, but also most of the technical jobs wants some years of experience in which I have none not even any internships.
This whole not being able to find any work from technical jobs to minimum wage jobs is affecting my self-esteem. I know for certain that I am a hard, dependable worker and I can do almost any tasks given to me and more because I am willing to learn more on the job. What I really need is just one person, just one to say those three letters "YES" and I would be golden and ready to work.
The above is one reason why I didn't complete my goal/challenge this weekend because I am worried about my future. I did read more of the Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion, almost completing it and accomplishing my challenge. However I did at least succeed in half of my challenge and finished Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This update Monday was somewhat depressing and melodramatic, but sometimes we need to rant about what is on our minds. Hopefully, I can get into a better mood throughout this week and into the weekend. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This whole not being able to find any work from technical jobs to minimum wage jobs is affecting my self-esteem. I know for certain that I am a hard, dependable worker and I can do almost any tasks given to me and more because I am willing to learn more on the job. What I really need is just one person, just one to say those three letters "YES" and I would be golden and ready to work.
The above is one reason why I didn't complete my goal/challenge this weekend because I am worried about my future. I did read more of the Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion, almost completing it and accomplishing my challenge. However I did at least succeed in half of my challenge and finished Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This update Monday was somewhat depressing and melodramatic, but sometimes we need to rant about what is on our minds. Hopefully, I can get into a better mood throughout this week and into the weekend. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Night Magic Review
In big cities such as New York or Chicago, you get the glimpse of street performers. These performances are raw and unfiltered with magic, mimics, dancing and musical accumulates. If you have ever seen these performances live, then you know actually what I am talking about. The passion in the performers eyes lets you be enthralled in his magical way. If you haven't seen these performances before, then I urge you to read Night Magic because you get a little of the street magic from the pages.
In this spectator tale, Night Magic by Tom Tryon our main protagonist, Michael Hawke, wants nothing more than to seize fame and power after a chance meeting with an unique old gentleman at one of his street performance in the greatest city in the world, New York City. Throughout this story the reader will be pleasantly surprise with magic of both natural and unnatural sources. Young Michael, a street magician with a basic understanding of night magic, but after meeting the old gentleman referred to as the Queer Duck for most of the novel he want nothing more than to learn what the Queer Duck has to offer.
However will our young hero be willing to commit to the ultimate sacrifice of losing everything about himself for this fame and power? This being a Sorcerer's Apprentice retelling this novel was quite rather pleasant to read. The chapters made be rather long for my taste in novels, but the story was quite detailed and enriched with well-developed characters and plot to propel the story forward. Additional concept brought to the novel by Tom Tryon was the historical information from different cultures take on sorcery and magic in general during the prologue and throughout the novel. Overall, the novel is a great piece for those reader who want some fantastical elements in an adult novel without turning to the young adult genre. I personally give this novel a three star rating for being a great stand-alone book in a world recently rocked by countless series. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
In this spectator tale, Night Magic by Tom Tryon our main protagonist, Michael Hawke, wants nothing more than to seize fame and power after a chance meeting with an unique old gentleman at one of his street performance in the greatest city in the world, New York City. Throughout this story the reader will be pleasantly surprise with magic of both natural and unnatural sources. Young Michael, a street magician with a basic understanding of night magic, but after meeting the old gentleman referred to as the Queer Duck for most of the novel he want nothing more than to learn what the Queer Duck has to offer.
However will our young hero be willing to commit to the ultimate sacrifice of losing everything about himself for this fame and power? This being a Sorcerer's Apprentice retelling this novel was quite rather pleasant to read. The chapters made be rather long for my taste in novels, but the story was quite detailed and enriched with well-developed characters and plot to propel the story forward. Additional concept brought to the novel by Tom Tryon was the historical information from different cultures take on sorcery and magic in general during the prologue and throughout the novel. Overall, the novel is a great piece for those reader who want some fantastical elements in an adult novel without turning to the young adult genre. I personally give this novel a three star rating for being a great stand-alone book in a world recently rocked by countless series. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Ink Exchange Review
Don't you just love those long summer nights where you can lie in bed with a good comfort read. I know I do because that's the best part of summer and reading in general; its the ability to escape from everyday life into a fantastical setting with amazing characters. What better world to visit than the world of the fey with the different fey courts. Some faerie books are quite dull or uninteresting to continue in the series, but Melissa Marr has done great justice to the fey world; she makes you want to interact with the characters and to learn more about the fey courts.
What to say about the novel Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr. Well to start of with the story is a sort-of sequel to Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. The story in Ink Exchange follows a new character but returning character of Leslie, a friend of Aislinn the new Summer Queen and her struggle to survive and find herself. In comparison of the two novel I like Wicked Lovely a lot better that Ink Exchange, but I still enjoy this fey series better than the Modern Fairy Tale series by Holly Black. Melissa Marr does a remarkable job of characterizing her character and having the character drive the story rather the plot or other story element move the story along. All in all, the Wicked Lovely series is a interesting take on the fey and I totally enjoy all the characters of Keegan, Aislinn, Niall, Leslie and many others. If you are looking for exciting characters to read about then pick up the Wicked Lovely series and you will be entertained. There are still more in the series that I have let read, but if they are anything like the first two novels I can't wait to buy, read and finish the series. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
What to say about the novel Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr. Well to start of with the story is a sort-of sequel to Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. The story in Ink Exchange follows a new character but returning character of Leslie, a friend of Aislinn the new Summer Queen and her struggle to survive and find herself. In comparison of the two novel I like Wicked Lovely a lot better that Ink Exchange, but I still enjoy this fey series better than the Modern Fairy Tale series by Holly Black. Melissa Marr does a remarkable job of characterizing her character and having the character drive the story rather the plot or other story element move the story along. All in all, the Wicked Lovely series is a interesting take on the fey and I totally enjoy all the characters of Keegan, Aislinn, Niall, Leslie and many others. If you are looking for exciting characters to read about then pick up the Wicked Lovely series and you will be entertained. There are still more in the series that I have let read, but if they are anything like the first two novels I can't wait to buy, read and finish the series. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 1 Review
Hello fellow readers and fans alike I actually have a special treat this day in which I review my very first manga that I have ever read before. When choosing to read manga there is many factor most readers go through such as which series, what type and so on. I went and chose a manga series to start with based on my personal taste in reading along with the fact that I have seen some of the episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist. This series is perfect for me because I enjoy a fantasy element mixed with a coming of age in which the Elric brothers are most differently experiencing in this series.
As far as a manga goes this was an excellent choice for my very first manga. I chose to read the Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 because I enjoy watching the anime show. However this isn't about the show, but rather the manga. I am glad to say that this does deserve five stars because it has every thing that I would expect from a manga/comic book. The action is very well drawn and the story has a decent paste and wonderful character development. Fullmetal Alchemist has that fantasy elements with involving alchemy and science fiction with the technological advancement by having metal arms that have weapons attached. The main characters are Edward and Alfonso Elric whom are a tragic hero because they overstep there skill level and paid dearly for there mistake. Overall, this series be anime or manga has character development, good illustration and good projection. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
As far as a manga goes this was an excellent choice for my very first manga. I chose to read the Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 because I enjoy watching the anime show. However this isn't about the show, but rather the manga. I am glad to say that this does deserve five stars because it has every thing that I would expect from a manga/comic book. The action is very well drawn and the story has a decent paste and wonderful character development. Fullmetal Alchemist has that fantasy elements with involving alchemy and science fiction with the technological advancement by having metal arms that have weapons attached. The main characters are Edward and Alfonso Elric whom are a tragic hero because they overstep there skill level and paid dearly for there mistake. Overall, this series be anime or manga has character development, good illustration and good projection. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Another Friday is upon us and you know actually what that means. Its #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge time. I will say I think the best time I have blogging is during my schedule posting time of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I especially love when Friday rolls around because of these two events that I host on my blog. You know that #Fridayreads was conceived by Patrick, who tweets as @JustBethanne, in which people reveal what they are reading that Friday and over the weekend.
For this #Fridayreads, I would love to finally announce that I am not reading the same two books from the last couple of Fridays. I finally finished Inheritance and I have plans to finish Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion this weekend. I am also currently reading Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon in which I will most likely finish the novel this Friday. I will have reviews of all these books that I plan or have finished up on the blog in the line up of upcoming reviews so have no fear.
With my #Fridayreads done and announce, I move to the other feature which is this Weekend Challenge. I challenge myself to be reading two new books after finishing Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion and Inferno. This challenge is a mighty fine order for myself, but I think I am up to the challenge. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
For this #Fridayreads, I would love to finally announce that I am not reading the same two books from the last couple of Fridays. I finally finished Inheritance and I have plans to finish Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion this weekend. I am also currently reading Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon in which I will most likely finish the novel this Friday. I will have reviews of all these books that I plan or have finished up on the blog in the line up of upcoming reviews so have no fear.
With my #Fridayreads done and announce, I move to the other feature which is this Weekend Challenge. I challenge myself to be reading two new books after finishing Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion and Inferno. This challenge is a mighty fine order for myself, but I think I am up to the challenge. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
The Gray Wolf Throne Review
Don't you has reader love coming back to your favorite series or author? I know I totally geek out when I get my hands on the latest novel from my favorite authors, such as Cinda William Chima. Now most of the time with any novel and author I tend to wait for the book to be released on paperback unless I can't wait for the next installment. Most of the time I can wait for the novel to come to paperback to make a purchase because I tend to have the other novels in paperback as well as and I am a little OCD about the edition the book series is in.
Cinda William Chima as done it again. This story, world and magic is fantastic for any average or regular booklover. With the twisting plot of the political turmoil back home in the Fells and love life of Raisa. This novel doesn't disappoint or fail to deliver a wonderful high fantasy. I highly recommend this novel and its predecessors and sequel. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Cinda William Chima as done it again. This story, world and magic is fantastic for any average or regular booklover. With the twisting plot of the political turmoil back home in the Fells and love life of Raisa. This novel doesn't disappoint or fail to deliver a wonderful high fantasy. I highly recommend this novel and its predecessors and sequel. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Secret Prince Review
I love series, who doesn't love those expanding universe of your favorite characters. What makes me a life-long reader is most likely the fantasy series that I come upon and devour the core content. Every once in awhile I can learn to love a stand-alone novel, but my first and true love is series, especially fantasy. The incredible way that authors weaves the prose in creating a astounding world filled with countless characters each having there own issues and problems. Now the novels in the series don't focus on every single character populating the newly created world, but its focus in on those specific characters that have a epic tale to explain. This series, Knightley Academy, like most other series that I read has that incredible world and interesting characters.
The second installment in the Knightley Academy series, The Secret Prince by Violet Haberdasher. This novel was astounding, fast pace read great for the summer time reads. The characters have continue physically, mentally and emotionally growing into chivalrous young men in this elaborate world created by the author, which is alternate reality of our own world. The plot continues to be gripping, but predictable at some and most of the time. However with the twists and turns provided by the author you won't be disappointed when the book is finished. All in all, the novel is worth the read and is quick to get through despite the length of the novel. Have fun reading and enjoy the numerous worlds open to the minds of all readers. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The second installment in the Knightley Academy series, The Secret Prince by Violet Haberdasher. This novel was astounding, fast pace read great for the summer time reads. The characters have continue physically, mentally and emotionally growing into chivalrous young men in this elaborate world created by the author, which is alternate reality of our own world. The plot continues to be gripping, but predictable at some and most of the time. However with the twists and turns provided by the author you won't be disappointed when the book is finished. All in all, the novel is worth the read and is quick to get through despite the length of the novel. Have fun reading and enjoy the numerous worlds open to the minds of all readers. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Welcome to Wacky Wednesday on the crazyC Book Cafe blog. I was think what should I do for this edition of WW. Should I do another tag post or something different. I was watching some Youtube video and getting caught up in my queue. More specifically I was watching tag videos for idea on tags. There were a couple of neat ideas such as the completed series tag or the top 2 in 6 genre tags, but with both I felt that I couldn't really contribute much to the tag because I only have like three series completed and I don't really have a lot of say in the other genre, mostly fantasy. What I decided to do is go to Goodreads and find a book that I have read or own that has had a cover change and discuss which cover I like best. Lets get to hunting and covering, the choice of cover to be discuss this Wacky Wednesday will be The Curse Worker series by Holly Black more specifically The White Cat.
The series cover style started being publish with the style on the left, while recently redesign the covers to be similar in style to the style on the right. Both style aren't bad, but for purest like myself or other we tend to want to keep our series looking similar so when they change the covers it sometimes forces us to have to repurchase the new cover. I don't repurchase the books, but I tend to try to find the old covers or purchase the new ones from where I left off in the series however I will be angry. Fortunately with this series I only have one book with the old style so, I am not too upset. I actually like the old covers because it remains me of a film noir style while the newer covers makes me think New Orleans style. I hate when publisher change the covers, but I know why they do it just makes me mad. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Exile Queen Review
Wouldn't you agree that sequels are great to read? I mean you already invest a considerable amount of time in the story. You know the characters and plot from the first book. Sequels continue with those characters and plots into a new story with more dangerous challenges awaiting our heroes. The downside to sequels is that the story might end up becoming stale and dull along the way eventually leading to a possible reading slump. However in most series you don't get that feeling, but rather you get a stretched out 3 Act setup. The first in the series is always the introduction. Next comes the conflict of the story, both minor and major. Finally ending with the resolution of those conflicts established in the second act. Hence why trilogy are so popular and easy to write. The Seven Realms series has its virtue and flaws, but above those flaws its still a great series to read.
In the continuing Seven Realm series by Cinda Williams Chima, the Exile Queen picks up where you left the first book, the Demon King. In this novel you continue to love and enjoy the growing characters of Han, Raisa, Dancer and Amon to name a few. However this novel with its political twist and turn will test the bonds of friendship and forbidden attraction of everyone involved to the limits . I highly recommend this novel for any serious fantasy lover out there and in need of a great story with compiling dialog in what seem to be a new take on some rather tired fantasy elements in the surprising epic Seven Realms series and don't forget to check out the next installment in the Grey Wolf Throne and the last installment the Crimson Crown. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
In the continuing Seven Realm series by Cinda Williams Chima, the Exile Queen picks up where you left the first book, the Demon King. In this novel you continue to love and enjoy the growing characters of Han, Raisa, Dancer and Amon to name a few. However this novel with its political twist and turn will test the bonds of friendship and forbidden attraction of everyone involved to the limits . I highly recommend this novel for any serious fantasy lover out there and in need of a great story with compiling dialog in what seem to be a new take on some rather tired fantasy elements in the surprising epic Seven Realms series and don't forget to check out the next installment in the Grey Wolf Throne and the last installment the Crimson Crown. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
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