
Night Magic Review

In big cities such as New York or Chicago, you get the glimpse of street performers. These performances are raw and unfiltered with magic, mimics, dancing and musical accumulates. If you have ever seen these performances live, then you know actually what I am talking about. The passion in the performers eyes lets you be enthralled in his magical way. If you haven't seen these performances before, then I urge you to read Night Magic because you get a little of the street magic from the pages. 

In this spectator tale, Night Magic by Tom Tryon our main protagonist, Michael Hawke, wants nothing more than to seize fame and power after a chance meeting with an unique old gentleman at one of his street performance in the greatest city in the world, New York City. Throughout this story the reader will be pleasantly surprise with magic of both natural and unnatural sources. Young Michael, a street magician with a basic understanding of night magic, but after meeting the old gentleman referred to as the Queer Duck for most of the novel he want nothing more than to learn what the Queer Duck has to offer. 

However will our young hero be willing to commit to the ultimate sacrifice of losing everything about himself for this fame and power? This being a Sorcerer's Apprentice retelling this novel was quite rather pleasant to read. The chapters made be rather long for my taste in novels, but the story was quite detailed and enriched with well-developed characters and plot to propel the story forward. Additional concept brought to the novel by Tom Tryon was the historical information from different cultures take on sorcery and magic in general during the prologue and throughout the novel. Overall, the novel is a great piece for those reader who want some fantastical elements in an adult novel without turning to the young adult genre. I personally give this novel a three star rating for being a great stand-alone book in a world recently rocked by countless series. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.


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