
Wacky Wednesday

Another Wacky Wednesday morning to ya'll. What should I have this Wednesday be about? I have done quite a bit of tags should I try something new. How about I to a 1/2 year wrap-up along with a to be read and end with my currently reading books. All throughout the Tube (Youtube) I have seen monthly wrap-up and some 1/2 year wrap-up so, why not have me give it a whirl I might actually like it. What I plan on doing is having another wrap-up in December where I list all the books that I read in 2013 and maybe even pick out of the list my top favorites.

From January to June, I have been reading up quite a storm for me personally. I have read a whopping total of nine books which is quite a lot for myself to accomplish. July is getting off to a wonderful start in which the first couple days I finish one book and I am pretty certain I will be able to finish my next novel in a few days. For my to be read pile, I have switch selecting the book to a cup method in which I have the book titles on a scrap piece of paper and draw them out at random. This method I like because almost every book I my self I want to read badly and with this method I get a random selection. I also think I am reading the selection a little faster because I took the guessing out of selecting a novel to read.

January - June Books

  1. The Gray Wolf Throne
  2. Ink Exchange
  3. Night Magic
  4. Skarlet: Part One of the Vampire Trinity
  5. The Awakening and The Struggle
  6. Legacy
  7. Ninth Grade Slays
  8. Inheritance
  9. Inferno
Top 5 to be read pile
  1. Magyk
  2. the Host
  3. the Clockwork Angels
  4. Plague
  5. The Fallen

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