The concept of #fridayreads came from Patrick, who tweets as @JustBethanne, in which people reveal what they are reading that Friday and over the weekend.
This is going to be kind of short and to the point. What I am reading this Friday is just as boring and same as before. I told you that I am a slow reader and I don't really read has offered has I should be reading, but when I do sit down to read and if I'm excited about the novel that I am reading I tend to read multiple chapters and pages in a single day. I wish that I could get into the habit of reading everyday, two chapters a day. I have tried doing that, but I always in up failing before I even get started. However I have been challenging myself with a Don't Break the Chain challenge in reading in which I set out everyday to at least read something be it the novel that I am reading, a blog post or a fan fiction of something.
This Friday I am currently and still reading Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion and Inheritance. Hopefully I can get further along in both of these novels this weekend. That bring me to the weekend challenge purpose of this post. This weekend I challenge myself to once again to two chapter in Vampire Diaries. Now the big challenge will involve Inheritance, I want over this weekend to get to page 600 hundred which is approximately 150 pages to go. Wish me luck on conquering these challenges and I look forward to the Update Monday post. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
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