Wow, I am really getting quite a lot of posts added up. I know that its not a huge amount compared to other blogs, but for me to write this many posts I am completely in awe. I started this blog in order to share my views on the different books that I have read throughout my life along with some wacky fun. Primary I treat this blog as a review blog for the books, maybe I will eventually do more than the simple reviews and participate in more books tags from both blogs and vlogs. I love the setup that I have in place with the Monday, Wednesday and Friday because having that schedule will help me to have up-to-date content with a regular posting schedule after I post up all of my past reviews.
In today episode, I present the most shocking read of 2012 is "drum roll" Infinity: The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This novel has it all action, drama and witty lines to keep you laughing. If you love fantasy and paranormal novels, then this series is for you. The main character is a type of character that you want to root for in everything aspect of his life; do to his mother he always is trying to succeed and become a better person with the dark forces hanging around that tasks gets quite difficult. The writing style of this novel has twists and turns for the thrill seekers and with an incredible flow throughout the novel. This book and its series will be what I talk about a lot until something comes along that blows me away like this did. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in, let live.
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