
The King of Attolia Review

Hey readers, I have a question to pose to you. Have you ever read a series that you thought wasn't going to be amazing, but the further you got in the series you were proved unmistakably wrong? Personally, I love when the series is going alright not being too strong or too weak because when the series reaches that incredible plateau I am wowed beyond reason. The series that I have recently been reviewing before you starting with the Thief and the Queen of Attolia is known as the Queen's Thief series by Megan Walden Turner. At first read its just a well-done and crafted middle grade novel that any student would read just to get some necessary Accelerated Reader (AR) points. In close expecting you will find a very clever novel filled with political twists left and right. The series doesn't hit that plateau of awesomeness until this novel, the King of Attolia.

This book was awesome in so many ways, there was romance, political trickery and other mischief going on. Megan Turner knows how to spin a great story of love, betrayal and political in fighting. In this novel you have the newly crown king going through what he thought was going to be an easy plan turning out to be much harder than what he thought. The character are compelling and exciting to read about, you get enough of the king, the queen and even the newest character of Coatis. If you are fan of medieval fantasy, then this is a great novel for you, I hope you have fun reading and enjoyment in some great books like this one. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.


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