Don't you just love those long summer nights where you can lie in bed with a good comfort read. I know I do because that's the best part of summer and reading in general; its the ability to escape from everyday life into a fantastical setting with amazing characters. What better world to visit than the world of the fey with the different fey courts. Some faerie books are quite dull or uninteresting to continue in the series, but Melissa Marr has done great justice to the fey world; she makes you want to interact with the characters and to learn more about the fey courts.
What to say about the novel Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr. Well to start of with the story is a sort-of sequel to Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. The story in Ink Exchange follows a new character but returning character of Leslie, a friend of Aislinn the new Summer Queen and her struggle to survive and find herself. In comparison of the two novel I like Wicked Lovely a lot better that Ink Exchange, but I still enjoy this fey series better than the Modern Fairy Tale series by Holly Black. Melissa Marr does a remarkable job of characterizing her character and having the character drive the story rather the plot or other story element move the story along. All in all, the Wicked Lovely series is a interesting take on the fey and I totally enjoy all the characters of Keegan, Aislinn, Niall, Leslie and many others. If you are looking for exciting characters to read about then pick up the Wicked Lovely series and you will be entertained. There are still more in the series that I have let read, but if they are anything like the first two novels I can't wait to buy, read and finish the series. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This is the place to come and read a honest review about any book that I read. On top of reading books, I will participate in posting tags, updates, book hauls, #fridayreads and many other feature from other blogs or custom features from myself.
Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 1 Review
Hello fellow readers and fans alike I actually have a special treat this day in which I review my very first manga that I have ever read before. When choosing to read manga there is many factor most readers go through such as which series, what type and so on. I went and chose a manga series to start with based on my personal taste in reading along with the fact that I have seen some of the episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist. This series is perfect for me because I enjoy a fantasy element mixed with a coming of age in which the Elric brothers are most differently experiencing in this series.
As far as a manga goes this was an excellent choice for my very first manga. I chose to read the Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 because I enjoy watching the anime show. However this isn't about the show, but rather the manga. I am glad to say that this does deserve five stars because it has every thing that I would expect from a manga/comic book. The action is very well drawn and the story has a decent paste and wonderful character development. Fullmetal Alchemist has that fantasy elements with involving alchemy and science fiction with the technological advancement by having metal arms that have weapons attached. The main characters are Edward and Alfonso Elric whom are a tragic hero because they overstep there skill level and paid dearly for there mistake. Overall, this series be anime or manga has character development, good illustration and good projection. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
As far as a manga goes this was an excellent choice for my very first manga. I chose to read the Fullmetal Alchemist, Vol. 1 because I enjoy watching the anime show. However this isn't about the show, but rather the manga. I am glad to say that this does deserve five stars because it has every thing that I would expect from a manga/comic book. The action is very well drawn and the story has a decent paste and wonderful character development. Fullmetal Alchemist has that fantasy elements with involving alchemy and science fiction with the technological advancement by having metal arms that have weapons attached. The main characters are Edward and Alfonso Elric whom are a tragic hero because they overstep there skill level and paid dearly for there mistake. Overall, this series be anime or manga has character development, good illustration and good projection. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
Another Friday is upon us and you know actually what that means. Its #Fridayreads and Weekend Challenge time. I will say I think the best time I have blogging is during my schedule posting time of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I especially love when Friday rolls around because of these two events that I host on my blog. You know that #Fridayreads was conceived by Patrick, who tweets as @JustBethanne, in which people reveal what they are reading that Friday and over the weekend.
For this #Fridayreads, I would love to finally announce that I am not reading the same two books from the last couple of Fridays. I finally finished Inheritance and I have plans to finish Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion this weekend. I am also currently reading Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon in which I will most likely finish the novel this Friday. I will have reviews of all these books that I plan or have finished up on the blog in the line up of upcoming reviews so have no fear.
With my #Fridayreads done and announce, I move to the other feature which is this Weekend Challenge. I challenge myself to be reading two new books after finishing Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion and Inferno. This challenge is a mighty fine order for myself, but I think I am up to the challenge. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
For this #Fridayreads, I would love to finally announce that I am not reading the same two books from the last couple of Fridays. I finally finished Inheritance and I have plans to finish Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion this weekend. I am also currently reading Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon in which I will most likely finish the novel this Friday. I will have reviews of all these books that I plan or have finished up on the blog in the line up of upcoming reviews so have no fear.
With my #Fridayreads done and announce, I move to the other feature which is this Weekend Challenge. I challenge myself to be reading two new books after finishing Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion and Inferno. This challenge is a mighty fine order for myself, but I think I am up to the challenge. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
The Gray Wolf Throne Review
Don't you has reader love coming back to your favorite series or author? I know I totally geek out when I get my hands on the latest novel from my favorite authors, such as Cinda William Chima. Now most of the time with any novel and author I tend to wait for the book to be released on paperback unless I can't wait for the next installment. Most of the time I can wait for the novel to come to paperback to make a purchase because I tend to have the other novels in paperback as well as and I am a little OCD about the edition the book series is in.
Cinda William Chima as done it again. This story, world and magic is fantastic for any average or regular booklover. With the twisting plot of the political turmoil back home in the Fells and love life of Raisa. This novel doesn't disappoint or fail to deliver a wonderful high fantasy. I highly recommend this novel and its predecessors and sequel. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Cinda William Chima as done it again. This story, world and magic is fantastic for any average or regular booklover. With the twisting plot of the political turmoil back home in the Fells and love life of Raisa. This novel doesn't disappoint or fail to deliver a wonderful high fantasy. I highly recommend this novel and its predecessors and sequel. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Secret Prince Review
I love series, who doesn't love those expanding universe of your favorite characters. What makes me a life-long reader is most likely the fantasy series that I come upon and devour the core content. Every once in awhile I can learn to love a stand-alone novel, but my first and true love is series, especially fantasy. The incredible way that authors weaves the prose in creating a astounding world filled with countless characters each having there own issues and problems. Now the novels in the series don't focus on every single character populating the newly created world, but its focus in on those specific characters that have a epic tale to explain. This series, Knightley Academy, like most other series that I read has that incredible world and interesting characters.
The second installment in the Knightley Academy series, The Secret Prince by Violet Haberdasher. This novel was astounding, fast pace read great for the summer time reads. The characters have continue physically, mentally and emotionally growing into chivalrous young men in this elaborate world created by the author, which is alternate reality of our own world. The plot continues to be gripping, but predictable at some and most of the time. However with the twists and turns provided by the author you won't be disappointed when the book is finished. All in all, the novel is worth the read and is quick to get through despite the length of the novel. Have fun reading and enjoy the numerous worlds open to the minds of all readers. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The second installment in the Knightley Academy series, The Secret Prince by Violet Haberdasher. This novel was astounding, fast pace read great for the summer time reads. The characters have continue physically, mentally and emotionally growing into chivalrous young men in this elaborate world created by the author, which is alternate reality of our own world. The plot continues to be gripping, but predictable at some and most of the time. However with the twists and turns provided by the author you won't be disappointed when the book is finished. All in all, the novel is worth the read and is quick to get through despite the length of the novel. Have fun reading and enjoy the numerous worlds open to the minds of all readers. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Welcome to Wacky Wednesday on the crazyC Book Cafe blog. I was think what should I do for this edition of WW. Should I do another tag post or something different. I was watching some Youtube video and getting caught up in my queue. More specifically I was watching tag videos for idea on tags. There were a couple of neat ideas such as the completed series tag or the top 2 in 6 genre tags, but with both I felt that I couldn't really contribute much to the tag because I only have like three series completed and I don't really have a lot of say in the other genre, mostly fantasy. What I decided to do is go to Goodreads and find a book that I have read or own that has had a cover change and discuss which cover I like best. Lets get to hunting and covering, the choice of cover to be discuss this Wacky Wednesday will be The Curse Worker series by Holly Black more specifically The White Cat.
The series cover style started being publish with the style on the left, while recently redesign the covers to be similar in style to the style on the right. Both style aren't bad, but for purest like myself or other we tend to want to keep our series looking similar so when they change the covers it sometimes forces us to have to repurchase the new cover. I don't repurchase the books, but I tend to try to find the old covers or purchase the new ones from where I left off in the series however I will be angry. Fortunately with this series I only have one book with the old style so, I am not too upset. I actually like the old covers because it remains me of a film noir style while the newer covers makes me think New Orleans style. I hate when publisher change the covers, but I know why they do it just makes me mad. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Exile Queen Review
Wouldn't you agree that sequels are great to read? I mean you already invest a considerable amount of time in the story. You know the characters and plot from the first book. Sequels continue with those characters and plots into a new story with more dangerous challenges awaiting our heroes. The downside to sequels is that the story might end up becoming stale and dull along the way eventually leading to a possible reading slump. However in most series you don't get that feeling, but rather you get a stretched out 3 Act setup. The first in the series is always the introduction. Next comes the conflict of the story, both minor and major. Finally ending with the resolution of those conflicts established in the second act. Hence why trilogy are so popular and easy to write. The Seven Realms series has its virtue and flaws, but above those flaws its still a great series to read.
In the continuing Seven Realm series by Cinda Williams Chima, the Exile Queen picks up where you left the first book, the Demon King. In this novel you continue to love and enjoy the growing characters of Han, Raisa, Dancer and Amon to name a few. However this novel with its political twist and turn will test the bonds of friendship and forbidden attraction of everyone involved to the limits . I highly recommend this novel for any serious fantasy lover out there and in need of a great story with compiling dialog in what seem to be a new take on some rather tired fantasy elements in the surprising epic Seven Realms series and don't forget to check out the next installment in the Grey Wolf Throne and the last installment the Crimson Crown. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
In the continuing Seven Realm series by Cinda Williams Chima, the Exile Queen picks up where you left the first book, the Demon King. In this novel you continue to love and enjoy the growing characters of Han, Raisa, Dancer and Amon to name a few. However this novel with its political twist and turn will test the bonds of friendship and forbidden attraction of everyone involved to the limits . I highly recommend this novel for any serious fantasy lover out there and in need of a great story with compiling dialog in what seem to be a new take on some rather tired fantasy elements in the surprising epic Seven Realms series and don't forget to check out the next installment in the Grey Wolf Throne and the last installment the Crimson Crown. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Demon King Review
Welcome to another day on this wonderful earth of ours. This day is quite special because I finally finished Inheritance so, you won't see it in this weeks #fridayreads. What better way to celebrate finishing an epic fantasy than to post a review of another epic fantasy novel series. I personally love epic fantasy because its more easily able transport you to another realm where magic thrives or your imagination is the true weapon. I think that is why a lot of people tend to enjoy fantasy novels and series because they are and easy escape from their otherwise complicated life.
Life is hard I know and you know this and most people want to relax. They enjoy reading about someone else problems and determining what might happen to those characters later on in the story. It provides a relieve for at least a couple hours before the reader has to deal with their own problems. The authors whom writes fantasy novels provide to us that escape that we all disparate want and need if not just for a little while.
Cinda Williams Chima is a master story-teller. This novel was amazing, awesome and downright excellent. Magic and politic merges to create a wonderful story filled with a humble thief, hard-headed princess and power-hungry wizards. The Demon King has everything a fantasy lover enjoys and more. The characters in this novel both the main and minor are written surprisingly well and you will love or hate them. All in all, the Demon King is a must read. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Life is hard I know and you know this and most people want to relax. They enjoy reading about someone else problems and determining what might happen to those characters later on in the story. It provides a relieve for at least a couple hours before the reader has to deal with their own problems. The authors whom writes fantasy novels provide to us that escape that we all disparate want and need if not just for a little while.
Cinda Williams Chima is a master story-teller. This novel was amazing, awesome and downright excellent. Magic and politic merges to create a wonderful story filled with a humble thief, hard-headed princess and power-hungry wizards. The Demon King has everything a fantasy lover enjoys and more. The characters in this novel both the main and minor are written surprisingly well and you will love or hate them. All in all, the Demon King is a must read. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Hello fellow crazy and book lovers alike and welcome to another glorious Update Monday. I am excited about this Monday because even though I only completed half of my weekend challenge, I reached the 650 page mark in the fourth book in the Inheritance Cycle: Inheritance which means I am roughly 200 pages from finishing the monster of a book. With that said and out there you can guess that I only read one chapter of Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion. That knowledge of not completing the challenge won't bring me down because I feel that sometime this week I will have finished Inheritance and will be able to add another review to the queue. I could also save the review for when I start to review only on Update Mondays.
I wanted to let you guys know that I have written every book that I have on my to be read pile onto scrap sheets of paper and put them into a cup. What I plan on doing is drawing at least one book from the cup when I finish a book that I am currently reading. Hopefully what I am expecting out of this experiment is that I am able to read a little faster because I took the guessing out of selecting a book to read next. Now if there is a book on the shelf that is screaming to be read first, then I plan on selecting that particular book without drawing from the cup. The only book on my shelf that I really want to read first is Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Now for this week coming up I plan on finishing Inheritance and maybe even Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion. I wish all of you luck and happy reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
I wanted to let you guys know that I have written every book that I have on my to be read pile onto scrap sheets of paper and put them into a cup. What I plan on doing is drawing at least one book from the cup when I finish a book that I am currently reading. Hopefully what I am expecting out of this experiment is that I am able to read a little faster because I took the guessing out of selecting a book to read next. Now if there is a book on the shelf that is screaming to be read first, then I plan on selecting that particular book without drawing from the cup. The only book on my shelf that I really want to read first is Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Now for this week coming up I plan on finishing Inheritance and maybe even Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion. I wish all of you luck and happy reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Update Monday,
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
Knightley Academy Review
Here is another book review from the queue that is rapidly shrinking. I would go on the record when I read books I tend to know if I will enjoy reading the book from skimming the back of the book. However in some cases, but rare I will not have a strong feeling for the novel. Some example of books that I read that I didn't love would be Wicked: Witch and Curse and Tithe. This upcoming review is like the masses in which I crave to read more and finish the trilogy even though the last book isn't published let.
When I finished this awesome read and I couldn't wait to tell the world about this amazing story. In a world where young boys are trained in the proper decorum of being a knight and the best school around is Knightley Academy. Our title character, Henry Grim, is the first boy to pass the exam at the Midsummer School for Boys in five years, however he himself is a commoner and the act of taking the exam will change the society forever. The plot, characters and setting of Knightley Academy by Violet Haberdasher is somewhat a recycled story-arc with an interesting twist. The characters that are commoners are somewhat quirky and funny. They will grow on you throughout the novel and by the last pages you will really care for them. The secondary characters tied in with the plot are very reminisce of Harry Potter. Henry Grimm is an orphan with no redeeming connection to being a knight that we are currently aware of and there is an impending doom on the horizon in the form of a war between nations and ideology. One major differences between the two novels is the main goal of Knightley Academy is the characters are striving to become knights and not wizards. All in all, Knightley Academy was a quick light hearten read that contain some nifty twist and turns along the way. Once finishing the novel you will want to pick up the next installment in this series by Violet Haberdasher called the Secret Prince. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
When I finished this awesome read and I couldn't wait to tell the world about this amazing story. In a world where young boys are trained in the proper decorum of being a knight and the best school around is Knightley Academy. Our title character, Henry Grim, is the first boy to pass the exam at the Midsummer School for Boys in five years, however he himself is a commoner and the act of taking the exam will change the society forever. The plot, characters and setting of Knightley Academy by Violet Haberdasher is somewhat a recycled story-arc with an interesting twist. The characters that are commoners are somewhat quirky and funny. They will grow on you throughout the novel and by the last pages you will really care for them. The secondary characters tied in with the plot are very reminisce of Harry Potter. Henry Grimm is an orphan with no redeeming connection to being a knight that we are currently aware of and there is an impending doom on the horizon in the form of a war between nations and ideology. One major differences between the two novels is the main goal of Knightley Academy is the characters are striving to become knights and not wizards. All in all, Knightley Academy was a quick light hearten read that contain some nifty twist and turns along the way. Once finishing the novel you will want to pick up the next installment in this series by Violet Haberdasher called the Secret Prince. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The King of Attolia Review
Hey readers, I have a question to pose to you. Have you ever read a series that you thought wasn't going to be amazing, but the further you got in the series you were proved unmistakably wrong? Personally, I love when the series is going alright not being too strong or too weak because when the series reaches that incredible plateau I am wowed beyond reason. The series that I have recently been reviewing before you starting with the Thief and the Queen of Attolia is known as the Queen's Thief series by Megan Walden Turner. At first read its just a well-done and crafted middle grade novel that any student would read just to get some necessary Accelerated Reader (AR) points. In close expecting you will find a very clever novel filled with political twists left and right. The series doesn't hit that plateau of awesomeness until this novel, the King of Attolia.
This book was awesome in so many ways, there was romance, political trickery and other mischief going on. Megan Turner knows how to spin a great story of love, betrayal and political in fighting. In this novel you have the newly crown king going through what he thought was going to be an easy plan turning out to be much harder than what he thought. The character are compelling and exciting to read about, you get enough of the king, the queen and even the newest character of Coatis. If you are fan of medieval fantasy, then this is a great novel for you, I hope you have fun reading and enjoyment in some great books like this one. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This book was awesome in so many ways, there was romance, political trickery and other mischief going on. Megan Turner knows how to spin a great story of love, betrayal and political in fighting. In this novel you have the newly crown king going through what he thought was going to be an easy plan turning out to be much harder than what he thought. The character are compelling and exciting to read about, you get enough of the king, the queen and even the newest character of Coatis. If you are fan of medieval fantasy, then this is a great novel for you, I hope you have fun reading and enjoyment in some great books like this one. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Queen of Attolia Review
Another review to start off the morning and I need it this morning because of the weather being drowsy. I love it when a review is in my inbox for Youtube, Goodreads or my email. If the review is written on a book that I have read I love to start a discussion of the favorite parts in the novel. On the other hand if its a review that I haven't read, then I tend to read or watch enough to determine if the novel is the right fit for me. This review is a sequel to another book so, I try not to give away any spoiler however sometimes spoiler might sneak in. Which bring me to a question I would like to ask, "Do you like spoiler or not?" I don't mind if the spoiler is a minor one, but if you tell me that a character dies or the main character chose their love interest from the love triangle then I will be highly upset and most likely shout to the moon some colorful language at you. That is why I try my very best to deliver a spoiler-free review.
The Queen of Attolia and the Queen Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner is an action-packed, trilling ride from start to finish. The characters are enjoyable and meaningful, you won't want to leave them during their spot in the novel. For a fantasy lover like me, I find this novel series enjoyable even with the lack of magical influence. The medieval feel of the scene is enough for any book lover to enjoy. If you love the romance of the lowly thief with the high born queen or the knightly battle, then this novel series and this book is great for you. Have fun diving into any Megan Whalen Turner's novels. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in, let live.
The Queen of Attolia and the Queen Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner is an action-packed, trilling ride from start to finish. The characters are enjoyable and meaningful, you won't want to leave them during their spot in the novel. For a fantasy lover like me, I find this novel series enjoyable even with the lack of magical influence. The medieval feel of the scene is enough for any book lover to enjoy. If you love the romance of the lowly thief with the high born queen or the knightly battle, then this novel series and this book is great for you. Have fun diving into any Megan Whalen Turner's novels. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in, let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
#fridayreads and Weekend Challenge
The concept of #fridayreads came from Patrick, who tweets as @JustBethanne, in which people reveal what they are reading that Friday and over the weekend.
This is going to be kind of short and to the point. What I am reading this Friday is just as boring and same as before. I told you that I am a slow reader and I don't really read has offered has I should be reading, but when I do sit down to read and if I'm excited about the novel that I am reading I tend to read multiple chapters and pages in a single day. I wish that I could get into the habit of reading everyday, two chapters a day. I have tried doing that, but I always in up failing before I even get started. However I have been challenging myself with a Don't Break the Chain challenge in reading in which I set out everyday to at least read something be it the novel that I am reading, a blog post or a fan fiction of something.
This Friday I am currently and still reading Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion and Inheritance. Hopefully I can get further along in both of these novels this weekend. That bring me to the weekend challenge purpose of this post. This weekend I challenge myself to once again to two chapter in Vampire Diaries. Now the big challenge will involve Inheritance, I want over this weekend to get to page 600 hundred which is approximately 150 pages to go. Wish me luck on conquering these challenges and I look forward to the Update Monday post. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This is going to be kind of short and to the point. What I am reading this Friday is just as boring and same as before. I told you that I am a slow reader and I don't really read has offered has I should be reading, but when I do sit down to read and if I'm excited about the novel that I am reading I tend to read multiple chapters and pages in a single day. I wish that I could get into the habit of reading everyday, two chapters a day. I have tried doing that, but I always in up failing before I even get started. However I have been challenging myself with a Don't Break the Chain challenge in reading in which I set out everyday to at least read something be it the novel that I am reading, a blog post or a fan fiction of something.
This Friday I am currently and still reading Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion and Inheritance. Hopefully I can get further along in both of these novels this weekend. That bring me to the weekend challenge purpose of this post. This weekend I challenge myself to once again to two chapter in Vampire Diaries. Now the big challenge will involve Inheritance, I want over this weekend to get to page 600 hundred which is approximately 150 pages to go. Wish me luck on conquering these challenges and I look forward to the Update Monday post. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Don't Break the Chain,
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
The Thief Review
Don't you just love reading book reviews? Sometimes they're good or times they're the worst. Good or bad I enjoy them all because its that person prospective on the book. In most case you might find a gem in that novel or the review is of a highly popular novel and its getting even more praise. That is why I review books that I enjoy and not jump directly on the bandwagon of the "In book" or the "new Harry Potter". The only time I jump on the bandwagon of those popular books is if I enjoy the author or I read the first book and base my opinion on the series/author determining if I stick with the author and go crazy for the next installment. This next author and book series that I am reviewing is one of those moment where I look forward to reading anything she writes.
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner was an outstanding read and I can't wait to read the next in the series. For this particular novel picture a short and lighter read than Lord of the Rings because half of this novel takes place traversing across mountainous regions in search of a special stone. The latter half is when the action of the story picks up into overdrive. The main character, Eugenides, a thief of extraordinary skills is at first found in a prison of a local King. Then he is trusted into this journey to find this oh so special stone. While on the journey there is twists and turns, storytelling of gods and goddesses. For a fantasy with remarkably very little magic beside the gods and goddesses, this series does seem to be a must read for either fantasy lovers or those who aren't keen on the magic aspect, but rather a great story. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner was an outstanding read and I can't wait to read the next in the series. For this particular novel picture a short and lighter read than Lord of the Rings because half of this novel takes place traversing across mountainous regions in search of a special stone. The latter half is when the action of the story picks up into overdrive. The main character, Eugenides, a thief of extraordinary skills is at first found in a prison of a local King. Then he is trusted into this journey to find this oh so special stone. While on the journey there is twists and turns, storytelling of gods and goddesses. For a fantasy with remarkably very little magic beside the gods and goddesses, this series does seem to be a must read for either fantasy lovers or those who aren't keen on the magic aspect, but rather a great story. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
Infinity Review
Wow, I am really getting quite a lot of posts added up. I know that its not a huge amount compared to other blogs, but for me to write this many posts I am completely in awe. I started this blog in order to share my views on the different books that I have read throughout my life along with some wacky fun. Primary I treat this blog as a review blog for the books, maybe I will eventually do more than the simple reviews and participate in more books tags from both blogs and vlogs. I love the setup that I have in place with the Monday, Wednesday and Friday because having that schedule will help me to have up-to-date content with a regular posting schedule after I post up all of my past reviews.
In today episode, I present the most shocking read of 2012 is "drum roll" Infinity: The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This novel has it all action, drama and witty lines to keep you laughing. If you love fantasy and paranormal novels, then this series is for you. The main character is a type of character that you want to root for in everything aspect of his life; do to his mother he always is trying to succeed and become a better person with the dark forces hanging around that tasks gets quite difficult. The writing style of this novel has twists and turns for the thrill seekers and with an incredible flow throughout the novel. This book and its series will be what I talk about a lot until something comes along that blows me away like this did. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in, let live.
In today episode, I present the most shocking read of 2012 is "drum roll" Infinity: The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon. This novel has it all action, drama and witty lines to keep you laughing. If you love fantasy and paranormal novels, then this series is for you. The main character is a type of character that you want to root for in everything aspect of his life; do to his mother he always is trying to succeed and become a better person with the dark forces hanging around that tasks gets quite difficult. The writing style of this novel has twists and turns for the thrill seekers and with an incredible flow throughout the novel. This book and its series will be what I talk about a lot until something comes along that blows me away like this did. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in, let live.
book review,
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
You guys and gals know what day its today. The wonderful, astounding wacky Wednesday where I will blog about book tags, maybe haul or even versus posts. Mostly I enjoy blogging about a certain book tag that is either going around Youtube or the blogging sphere. Hopefully you will enjoy this tag and that I can provide some wackiness for you.
Wednesday are differently becoming my favorite day of the week because of Wacky Wednesday and my favorite shows aired on television, Melissa and Joey and Baby Daddy. Those shows are differently my guilty pleasure as with reality singing shows like the X Factor and recently the Voice. However I don't watch those reality shows live rather I watch them on either Hulu or find a link somewhere on the vastest of the intertube.
That is enough of my everyday ordinary life. Lets get to the tag portion of the post. This tag was created on Youtube by InTheBookCorner. The A to Z tag where you list book title that you own starting with the letters of the alphabet.
Wednesday are differently becoming my favorite day of the week because of Wacky Wednesday and my favorite shows aired on television, Melissa and Joey and Baby Daddy. Those shows are differently my guilty pleasure as with reality singing shows like the X Factor and recently the Voice. However I don't watch those reality shows live rather I watch them on either Hulu or find a link somewhere on the vastest of the intertube.
That is enough of my everyday ordinary life. Lets get to the tag portion of the post. This tag was created on Youtube by InTheBookCorner. The A to Z tag where you list book title that you own starting with the letters of the alphabet.
A - Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, the
B - Brisingr
C - Child of the Dark Prophecy
D - Demon King, the
E - Education of Little Tree, the
F - Firelight
G - Gone
H - Hunger
I - Ill Winds
J -
K - Knightley Academy
L - Lies
M - Magyk
N - Night Magic
O - Odyssey
P - Physik
Q - Queen of Attolia, the
R - Rope Trick, the
S - Secret Prince, the
T - Thief, the
U -
V -
W - Wicked Lovely
X -
Y -
Z -
If you would like to know the author, then feel free to comment and I will gladly provide the information to you. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.-crazyC
book review,
Wacky Wednesday
New Bern, NC, USA
The Golden Compass Review
Time and space slowed down for let another review from the ever popular or not-so popular crazyC. Hello there you have want another recommendation I hope if here it is anyway take you selfless parasites. I love you don't turn away I promise I can change. This blogging thing is getting easier with each post I make, I know that the post are book reviews. What can I say I write and post what I am passionate about in my free time. I mean I am like any other young male adult I love video games, movies and other technical gizmo, but I will always have passion for reading and reviewing books. I started reviewing books on Youtube, which you can see my older works; then I moved to reviewing on Goodreads and now I am reviewing on a blog. I am not abandoning those medium, but for Youtube I want to be able to produce quality video and not just record myself with a camera and upload. Goodreads will be a little different because I will post the reviews from this blog on Goodreads just at different periods and slightly different. I will never stop reviewing its just how I go about reviewing that will change.
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman is differently a worth wild read, I personality would have to read this book again and re-rate this novel at a later date. From this reading I can conclude that the concept of this novel is the opposite of the Narnia books. The Golden Compass had everything I enjoy in a novel. Its has action, puzzles and thought provoking plot with twists and turn to make you keep on reading. Now the movie that was based on this novel was in my opinion done pretty well for a Hollywood film because Hollywood like to have climatic battle as the ending instead of a ton of dialogue. So, the movie should be taken as just one of the many adaptation this novel can produce. Overall, the book wasn't the best, but wasn't the worst and I will have to reread this novel and give another rating later on. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
-crazy C
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman is differently a worth wild read, I personality would have to read this book again and re-rate this novel at a later date. From this reading I can conclude that the concept of this novel is the opposite of the Narnia books. The Golden Compass had everything I enjoy in a novel. Its has action, puzzles and thought provoking plot with twists and turn to make you keep on reading. Now the movie that was based on this novel was in my opinion done pretty well for a Hollywood film because Hollywood like to have climatic battle as the ending instead of a ton of dialogue. So, the movie should be taken as just one of the many adaptation this novel can produce. Overall, the book wasn't the best, but wasn't the worst and I will have to reread this novel and give another rating later on. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
-crazy C
New Bern, NC, USA
Eighth Grade Bites Review
Another time and another review from your's truly the wonderfully crazy, crazyC. I am not anything special I am just a normal guys giving my opinion of different I read. I try to act a fool and crazy to give the reader of the review a little something more beside the average here is the review and how the book is and so on. I want to give a the piece of myself so that you the viewer come back for more and more and even more. I don't do these reviews to make money even though I have adsense on my blog, but they are present because I can monetize my blog. Also, I don't do these reviews in hope to get massive amount of ARCs to review, but if I happen to receive ARCs in the mail I won't turn them down. I give honest reviews from the bottom of my heart in order to put a spot light on some highly popular novels or some lesser known novels. These are my personal opinion of the novels I review and here is the next book in the long line of reviews.
This frightening and terrifying episode of the reviews was brought to you by The Chronicle of Vladimir Tod: Eight Grade Bites. This novel is different from the other thousands of vampire stories out there in the world. What set Vladimir Tod a part from novel like Twilight is the fact that the protagonist isn't "a hunk", he is an average eighth grade teenage boy with a skinny frame and wants to keep his head down and out of trouble. With that said, this novel has everything needed for a great coming-of-age story with a crush, attending parties and going to school along with surviving what the supernatural world throws at Vlad. Overall, a must read book for the laughter, excitement and the coming-of-age story. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This frightening and terrifying episode of the reviews was brought to you by The Chronicle of Vladimir Tod: Eight Grade Bites. This novel is different from the other thousands of vampire stories out there in the world. What set Vladimir Tod a part from novel like Twilight is the fact that the protagonist isn't "a hunk", he is an average eighth grade teenage boy with a skinny frame and wants to keep his head down and out of trouble. With that said, this novel has everything needed for a great coming-of-age story with a crush, attending parties and going to school along with surviving what the supernatural world throws at Vlad. Overall, a must read book for the laughter, excitement and the coming-of-age story. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Vladimir Tod
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
How are you doing, crazies? Welcome to a start of a glorious new week. Why am I being so optimistic because the other choice is to be pessimistic and the world is full with so many stories to be pessimistic all the time. Its Monday and instead of having a serious case of the Mondays like everyone before I decided to approach today with a glass half-full prospective. Being Monday you know that its update Monday, which means that I discuss what I read over the weekend and if I met my weekend goals.
First off I did in fact achieve what I set for my weekend goals. What no cheers is it because it was only read two chapters in two books? Are you saying that any reader can meet that challenge? Well BACK OFF it was hard for me! Okay I am sorry that I am shouting at you, but I want an easy challenge this weekend because I was filling a little lazy. In setting this so-so challenge I was able to actually read more than what I set out to read.
I read both the Vampire Diaries Dark Reunion and Inheritance. I only read two chapters in the Vampire Diaries, while I was able to get almost a hundred pages read in Inheritance. I feel very proud to have read a little more in Inheritance than reading Vampire Diaries. First because Inheritance is the last in the series and its such a huge volume of a book. According to Goodreads, Inheritance and Vampire Diaries are both over that fifty percent margin.
What have you read recently over the weekend or the past weeks? Do you have trouble finding time to read? Try what I did over this past weekend and only read two chapters during the weekend and maybe just maybe you will read more than what you set out to accomplish making yourself more proud to gotten further in the novel that expecting. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
First off I did in fact achieve what I set for my weekend goals. What no cheers is it because it was only read two chapters in two books? Are you saying that any reader can meet that challenge? Well BACK OFF it was hard for me! Okay I am sorry that I am shouting at you, but I want an easy challenge this weekend because I was filling a little lazy. In setting this so-so challenge I was able to actually read more than what I set out to read.
I read both the Vampire Diaries Dark Reunion and Inheritance. I only read two chapters in the Vampire Diaries, while I was able to get almost a hundred pages read in Inheritance. I feel very proud to have read a little more in Inheritance than reading Vampire Diaries. First because Inheritance is the last in the series and its such a huge volume of a book. According to Goodreads, Inheritance and Vampire Diaries are both over that fifty percent margin.
What have you read recently over the weekend or the past weeks? Do you have trouble finding time to read? Try what I did over this past weekend and only read two chapters during the weekend and maybe just maybe you will read more than what you set out to accomplish making yourself more proud to gotten further in the novel that expecting. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Update Monday,
Vampire Diaries
New Bern, NC, USA
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Review
Reviews and reviews is that all you come to me for or do you love the witty blander? I am just kidding or am I? Lets get down to business crazies and start what is by far the funnies novel that I have ever read in my collection. First off I heard about this author when I took an English literature course in college called American Literature. What I loved about that course was the professor had each student read countless short stories and three novels throughout the semester. One of the short story was by the author who wrote this novel in which was very similar to his childhood. I think that is one reason why this novel is so well done is because the author, Sherman Alexie, through his personal life into the story making the novel a semi-autobiography which means that some of the situation actually happen to the author, but the setting was changed.
This novel is excellent in every way. It has laughter, pace, excitement and processes everything that ordinary life throw at a person. In this particular case, the life affected was the life of an Indian boy with a medical condition. Even with the fact that the boy has a medical condition, it doesn't dwell on that fact instead it shows the boy trying everything in his power to better his life than that of an average Indian on the reservation. Sherman Alexie is a fantastic author, I have read many of his short stories and fell in love with his writing. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian being somewhat of a semi-autobiographical novel of Alexie's life as a child really helps to drive home the stake of the hardships faced by the North American Indians. The only negative thing about this novel which doesn't affect me, but might offend other people and that negative would be the language used in this book. Overall, a must read book for the laughter, excitement and the coming-of-age story. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This novel is excellent in every way. It has laughter, pace, excitement and processes everything that ordinary life throw at a person. In this particular case, the life affected was the life of an Indian boy with a medical condition. Even with the fact that the boy has a medical condition, it doesn't dwell on that fact instead it shows the boy trying everything in his power to better his life than that of an average Indian on the reservation. Sherman Alexie is a fantastic author, I have read many of his short stories and fell in love with his writing. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian being somewhat of a semi-autobiographical novel of Alexie's life as a child really helps to drive home the stake of the hardships faced by the North American Indians. The only negative thing about this novel which doesn't affect me, but might offend other people and that negative would be the language used in this book. Overall, a must read book for the laughter, excitement and the coming-of-age story. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Sherman Alexie
New Bern, NC, USA
Hunger Review
Another time for an another crazy review from your truly the master of mischief, crazyC. Okay not really master of mischief, but I am quite honest in my review of any novel that I read grant it majority of the novels that I read tend to be rated four or five stars compared to the Goodreads rating systems. The next review doesn't fall far from my normal reviews in which I enjoy almost every aspect of this novel from the characters, plot, setting and any other features of novels. Without keeping you waiting for the review here it is in all of its glory.
X-men meets Lord of the Flies, what else is there to say? The adult and anyone fifteen are gone and the kids are hungry for food and power. The title explains exactly what this novel is about. The darkness and the kids are hungry. This novel does an excellent job in recapping what happened in the previous novel, Gone. Michael Grant wonderfully articulated the respond of the many kids and it seems so real, but some time the characters seem a little too far out there to be kids. Most of the character act like what you would expect if you found yourself lost among hundreds of children without any adult supervision. You will have people step up and try to make sense of the madness, but at the end of the day you have to remember that they are still just kids taking care of kids. All in all, interesting taking on what humanity can deal with to survive. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
X-men meets Lord of the Flies, what else is there to say? The adult and anyone fifteen are gone and the kids are hungry for food and power. The title explains exactly what this novel is about. The darkness and the kids are hungry. This novel does an excellent job in recapping what happened in the previous novel, Gone. Michael Grant wonderfully articulated the respond of the many kids and it seems so real, but some time the characters seem a little too far out there to be kids. Most of the character act like what you would expect if you found yourself lost among hundreds of children without any adult supervision. You will have people step up and try to make sense of the madness, but at the end of the day you have to remember that they are still just kids taking care of kids. All in all, interesting taking on what humanity can deal with to survive. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Lord of the Files,
Michael Grant,
New Bern, NC, USA
Brisingr Review
Hello crazies and welcome to another review this time it into a land of magic and adventure. Who doesn't love a good high fantasy series? This land of magic is populated by elves, dwarves and humans along with other magical creatures; its the land of the Dragon Riders of Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle. The novel in question is the third book in the four part series, Brisingr. What brought me to read this series was in fact the average fantasy film of the first book, Eragon, in which a poor farm boy hatches a dragon from an egg. I know what some of you might be thinking, how could you enjoy the movie that didn't do the book justice. I say that the movie made me want to read and develop my understanding of the series with the characters and legends.
What is there to say about Brisingr by Christopher Paolini? The only thing coming to mind would to utter the words epic fantasy and by George that is exactly what this novel is. It contains within its seven hundred and forty-eight pages everything that a fantasy should contain. You have a system of magic, an evil entity that need to be stopped and religion. This has it all the only downside to the novel would be the so-called "ancient language" and many other languages. With the languages the read becomes a little slow around them, but is an interesting tool however I think less is more in regards to the languages. All in all, a most read for any fantasy lover looking for a epic read. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
What is there to say about Brisingr by Christopher Paolini? The only thing coming to mind would to utter the words epic fantasy and by George that is exactly what this novel is. It contains within its seven hundred and forty-eight pages everything that a fantasy should contain. You have a system of magic, an evil entity that need to be stopped and religion. This has it all the only downside to the novel would be the so-called "ancient language" and many other languages. With the languages the read becomes a little slow around them, but is an interesting tool however I think less is more in regards to the languages. All in all, a most read for any fantasy lover looking for a epic read. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Christopher Paolini,
New Bern, NC, USA
#fridayreads and weekend challenge
The concept of #fridayreads came from Patrick, who tweets as @JustBethanne, in which people reveal what they are reading that Friday and over the weekend.
On this occasion of #fridayreads I will be attempting to read The Vampire Diaries Dark Reunion and Inheritance. Last Friday, I said I was reading both the Vampire Diaries the Fury and Inheritance and I am glad to say that I did finish the Fury, but not Inheritance. However, I am starting Dark Reunion and continuing the behemoth of Inheritance. Hopefully I can read a good chunk in book reads so, that I can move pass these and start fresh novels for next Friday. I doubt that would happen because of Inheritance being a huge volume of a book and Dark Reunion being read only at night.
This brings me to my feature of the blog of weekend challenges in which I challenge myself and my viewersthe Fury, but I didn't get to page four hundred in Inheritance. I love huge novels, but if I put one down and don't return in a couple of days its hard for me to pick up. On the other hand once I started a big book that is over five hundred pages I tend to read a big chunk in the story if not finish the story before putting it down for a couple of days. So, my challenge for this weekend is going to be a little relaxed that last weekend. I am challenging myself to read two chapters in both novels that I am currently reading. Now if you want to use the weekend challenge feature on your blog or vlog channel I am perfectly okay with you using it. If you want to give me credit or not for creating the weekend challenge feel free to include me or not, I just want people to read more. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
to establish a goal to achieve during the upcoming weekend. The goals could be as small as reading chapter or reading the entire novel on the weekend. Last week I half achieved my challenge because I finished
On this occasion of #fridayreads I will be attempting to read The Vampire Diaries Dark Reunion and Inheritance. Last Friday, I said I was reading both the Vampire Diaries the Fury and Inheritance and I am glad to say that I did finish the Fury, but not Inheritance. However, I am starting Dark Reunion and continuing the behemoth of Inheritance. Hopefully I can read a good chunk in book reads so, that I can move pass these and start fresh novels for next Friday. I doubt that would happen because of Inheritance being a huge volume of a book and Dark Reunion being read only at night.
to establish a goal to achieve during the upcoming weekend. The goals could be as small as reading chapter or reading the entire novel on the weekend. Last week I half achieved my challenge because I finished
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
The Thief Lord Review
Have you ever read a novel that when you were reading it that you pictured certain actors has the characters portray in the novel? Well most people do in some form picture their favorite book turning into a movie and they choose their favorite actor/actress to portray those characters. What I am talking about is books that you couldn't see has movie or has no real pull to become a movie. That novel for me was the Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke because I don't see it becoming a movie, but the characters I see has some actors like Bob Hoskins as the private eye in the novel in which the author actually saw the character being portray by Bob.
This novel was a decent read if you want some humor, pick pocketing little thieves in you thoughts. The character were finely written with child like quality. However, this story is primarily for the younger reader, but still enjoyable by the older crowd. I don't know when or where I will reread this novel, but its differently a worth while investment of time. Cornelia Funke was terrific at weaving a decent story for younger kids and almost Oliver Twist type novel. She differently knows how to inspire kids to be what they desire. All in all, if you are a parent looking for a novel to read to your young ones then feel free to read this novel. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
This novel was a decent read if you want some humor, pick pocketing little thieves in you thoughts. The character were finely written with child like quality. However, this story is primarily for the younger reader, but still enjoyable by the older crowd. I don't know when or where I will reread this novel, but its differently a worth while investment of time. Cornelia Funke was terrific at weaving a decent story for younger kids and almost Oliver Twist type novel. She differently knows how to inspire kids to be what they desire. All in all, if you are a parent looking for a novel to read to your young ones then feel free to read this novel. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Cornelia Funke,
Oliver Twist,
the Thief Lord
New Bern, NC, USA
The Cat Who Wished To Be A Man Review
Welcome and lets get crazy because I have another review from my backlog of review to post. This lucky review for today oh so hot summer June morning is from the astounding collection written by Lloyd Alexander. I personally enjoy his novel because they're light and easy to read filled with witty banter and fantastical elements in which he was a master at. I know what you might be thinking that his writing was mainly for the younger audience, but even has an adult its still a wonderful read and reread. He was able to take you away from your everyday problem at least for the time being and transport you to another world where those problems didn't exist; instead you were worried or excited about the characters journey.
The Cat Who Wished to be a Man is another short and sweet story by Lloyd Alexander that anyone can and will enjoy. This book starts with a cat that becomes a man and experience all ranges of human emotions to permanently become human. Hopefully you are intrigued by the fact that the character is a feline and he must learn what it means to be a man. Also this story reveals that good and the bad that comes from humanity in a fun filled adventure for the whole family to enjoy. I highly recommend this book for any and all to read for fun and break between those long series. Have fun reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The Cat Who Wished to be a Man is another short and sweet story by Lloyd Alexander that anyone can and will enjoy. This book starts with a cat that becomes a man and experience all ranges of human emotions to permanently become human. Hopefully you are intrigued by the fact that the character is a feline and he must learn what it means to be a man. Also this story reveals that good and the bad that comes from humanity in a fun filled adventure for the whole family to enjoy. I highly recommend this book for any and all to read for fun and break between those long series. Have fun reading. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Lloyd Alexander,
New Bern, NC, USA
Wacky Wednesday
Recommended Fantasy Series Tag:
- Harry Potter Series - You can't have fantasy series list without adding the ever popular and amazing Harry Potter with his lighting bolt scar and all.
- Inheritance Cycle - Now I know what you are thinking that "oh here comes a fanboy moment." I personally think this series improves greatly with each book that the author releases starting with Eragon being so-so and Inheritance being the best so far.
- The Chronicle of Nick - The Queen of paranormal herself, Sherrilyn Kenyon, has a huge adult fantasy series in the Dark Hunter novels and now she has started a YA version of her Dark Hunter novels.
- The Heir Chronicles - Cinda Williams Chima has taken something as basic as the War of the Roses and added a fantasy element in this series.
- Seven Realm series - Another Cinda Williams Chima novel series, but this time its set in a high fantasy setting with terrific and unforgettable characters.
- Lost Years of Merlin series - Who wouldn't want to see a different side to the highly popular and well-known wizard of all-time and his name is Merlin.
- The Great Tree of Avalon series - What about way to continue the magic of the Lost Years of Merlin than with a new series involving Avalon and Merlin's heir.
- Merlin's Dragon series - What better way to wrap up two great series Lost Years of Merlin and the Great Tree of Avalon with a bridge series filling in the gaps in knowledge.
- The Queen's Thief series - A series with no magic, but set in world where the myths of gods and goddesses are told to the populos.
- The Chronicle of Vladimir Tod series - A vampire novel involving a male main character and not that female character that falls in love with a vampire.
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Education of Little Tree Review
Once again welcome crazies to another review this time yet again a review from my past in eighth grade year. However this review is actually a reread review because I recently reread the Education of Little Tree in 2011. From my middle school years and today, I am remember this story was both heart-breaking and awe-aspiring because its based on true life events. Remembering reading this book in the eighth grade and I am still able to a little bit of the story even after such a long time from reading so, it must have had an impact on me. This novel is one of those books that after reading your life should have been affect in someway or another. I highly recommend this novel for those who want a deeper and easy read. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Education of Little Tree,
Forrest Carter,
New Bern, NC, USA
The Secret Circle Volume I and II Review
Hello crazies and welcome to another review and this time its double feature. I decided to post two review in one because I read this series back to back. When I decided to read this series it was a couple a month before it was announced to be a new television series on the CW. However the show was a flop and was cancelled after one season. I never watched an episode, but heard that like the Vampire Diaries it was different from the novelization.
Being my first L.J. Smith I was a little opportunistic about this novel or rather bind-up. Now I can see why some people love this series so much. The character grow on you, the good and the bad. The story is suspenseful when needed and descriptive enough not to bore you to death. L.J. Smith is differently an author that I will read more of especially seen how I like the Vampire Diaries the television series.
Cassie Blake, a typical teenage girl on summer vacation with her mother back east. Just before vacation ends, her mother decided that they shall move in with her grandmother that she had never seen before back at her mother hometown of New Salem. What was in store for Cassie during following school years would eerie beyond believe where myths and magic aren't just story in fairy tale. What might be in store for Cassie in this strange and mysterious town of her mother birth and why are some of the town people fearful of the Crowhaven road?
This novel had it all. The pace, excitement and anything else that makes a good novel. Now, I know why people rave so much about L.J. Smith because she is a wonderful, suspenseful writer. However she is not above having some flaws in her writing. Personally for me during select chapters there would come a part that would jump to either a new day or different scene which I think those jump could have held some more information. One warning I will caution people is don't read this novel during a reading slump because its not as powerful a novel to pull you out of a slump, but it can keep a reading buzz going. All in all, the Secret Circle series was an excellent story that has roots in the Salem witches. Happy reading and pick up that next book. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
L.J. Smith,
Secret Circle,
Vampire Diaries
New Bern, NC, USA
Update Monday
Hello everybody and welcome to another fine Monday morning, afternoon or evening depending on when you are reading this post. Hell you could even be reading this a couple of months or years down the road from this very moment. With that mind here is a future hello with a past update Monday. Long winded introduction, but hey that is what blogging is about getting you to laugh a little at some random person typing at a keyboard. I know that there is serious blog out there, but I believe that blogging should be fun even if the issue is a serious matter. In my eyes and ears you should be able to laugh at your life situation and smile a little from day to day because it could presently be worse or get better so, just sit back read and laugh.
On this episode of Update Monday, during my post on Friday I participated in #fridayreads and started my weekend challenge theme. Now I am proud and disappointed that I accomplish one of the two goal I set for the weekend. The goal that I accomplish was finishing the Vampire Diaries: The Fury which was interesting and quite different from the show however I won't review this book until I finish the Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion because its a bind-up. The other goal was to get to page four hundred in Inheritance, but I failed its not the end of the world so I get another weekend and another shot at achieve another challenge. That was my weekend. How was your weekend? This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
On this episode of Update Monday, during my post on Friday I participated in #fridayreads and started my weekend challenge theme. Now I am proud and disappointed that I accomplish one of the two goal I set for the weekend. The goal that I accomplish was finishing the Vampire Diaries: The Fury which was interesting and quite different from the show however I won't review this book until I finish the Vampire Diaries: Dark Reunion because its a bind-up. The other goal was to get to page four hundred in Inheritance, but I failed its not the end of the world so I get another weekend and another shot at achieve another challenge. That was my weekend. How was your weekend? This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Update Monday
New Bern, NC, USA
The Rope Trick Review
Another day and another week for some living and reading. Now the next review is the consider a middle grade read, but has I have said in the past and if I haven't yet said it I tend to read anything that has a great story, characters and especially some type of coming of age set in a fantasy realm. Hence why I enjoy reading anything writing by the late great Lloyd Alexander because is novels are full with fantasy elements and his character grow along with the story also, possessing a clear good and clear evil character no real gray/half evil doing good characters. Yet get to the meet of this review I know you are starving for this review.
Yet another great book by Lloyd Alexander. I have yet to read the Chronicles of Pydrian by him, but I have seen the movie the Black Cauldron about a dozen times. The Rope Trick is a short and cute read great for all ages. The main purpose of the novel was Lidi was looking for a magician that knew the rope trick and for that magician to teach the trick to her. All in all, the ultimate adventure never lies within the destination, but rather the journey to the destination. Lloyd Alexander knew this fundamental concept frontward and backward; he constantly wrote where the journey was more interesting to read about that the final outcome of the adventure. That was what the author was trying to convey that the reader shouldn't strive for the answers rather the solution for the answers. I find myself enjoying anything written by this author and thanks for great works and rest in peace, Lloyd Alexander. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in and let live.
Yet another great book by Lloyd Alexander. I have yet to read the Chronicles of Pydrian by him, but I have seen the movie the Black Cauldron about a dozen times. The Rope Trick is a short and cute read great for all ages. The main purpose of the novel was Lidi was looking for a magician that knew the rope trick and for that magician to teach the trick to her. All in all, the ultimate adventure never lies within the destination, but rather the journey to the destination. Lloyd Alexander knew this fundamental concept frontward and backward; he constantly wrote where the journey was more interesting to read about that the final outcome of the adventure. That was what the author was trying to convey that the reader shouldn't strive for the answers rather the solution for the answers. I find myself enjoying anything written by this author and thanks for great works and rest in peace, Lloyd Alexander. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in and let live.
book review,
Lloyd Alexander,
middle grade,
The Black Cauldron,
The Chronicles of Pydrian,
The Rope Trick
New Bern, NC, USA
A Christmas Carol Review
I reread a Christmas Carol and I can totally say that this is the number one Christmas story any and everyone needs to read during the holidays. I remember reading it back in the eight grade and during my reread I was flashing back to yesteryear. A great and quick read that is enjoyable for all ages. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Charles Dickens,
Christmas Carol,
New Bern, NC, USA
Inheritors Review
The next review is quite an odd one because I brought this book at a local indie bookstore in Charlotte for $1. The story is odd in itself because of the author who wrote being William Golding; the author behind the wonderful and thought provoking novel the Lord of the Flies. Now if you read any of William Golding works you know that he loves to make the reader rethink about humanity. Lord of the Flies took schoolboys and put them on an island in which you show the boys become uncivilized. Well in this novel he does the same in showing civilized and uncivilized behavior except he uses Neanderthal instead of schoolboys. Now for the actual review from goodreads with some minor changes.

For a classic novel , Inheritors, this was pretty outstanding with decent writing, but quite confusing at most points in the novel. That could be due to the fact of the author, William Golding, writing style is hard to get used too and if you enjoy Lord of the Flies pick give this novel a shot you might like or totally hate it. However if you are looking for a fast pace novel, then go somewhere else because this novel has a steady speed and will maintain that speed throughout the novel. I see the reason behind it being a classic, but like most classic it take an acquired taste. Read at your own peril. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
For a classic novel , Inheritors, this was pretty outstanding with decent writing, but quite confusing at most points in the novel. That could be due to the fact of the author, William Golding, writing style is hard to get used too and if you enjoy Lord of the Flies pick give this novel a shot you might like or totally hate it. However if you are looking for a fast pace novel, then go somewhere else because this novel has a steady speed and will maintain that speed throughout the novel. I see the reason behind it being a classic, but like most classic it take an acquired taste. Read at your own peril. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Lord of the Files,
William Golding
New Bern, NC, USA
#fridayreads and weekend challenge
I have succumb to the mass and decided to post on the topic of #fridayreads. I think this is a great feature for any blog, vlog, twitter or any other form of social media because it helps to build that community that we all desperately want to build. The concept came from Patrick, who tweets as @JustBethanne, was home with a broken leg and wanted to know what her Twitter followers were reading. From that point on I think it grew beyond what anyone would hope to amazed. To start of my first #fridayreads I am currently reading Volume 2 of the Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion and Book 4 of the Inheritance Cycle: Inheritance.

I am going to add to this #fridayreads phenomenon by suggesting some extra weekend challenges. Now, you don't have to follow along with these challenges, but I encourage you to participate in these challenging endeavors. When you read my weekend challenges you will probably think there aren't too challenging and that his some what the point. This weekend challenges is to finish the Vampire Diaries: The Fury and to reach page four hundred in Inheritance. Those are my challenges and the #fridayreads feel free to comment what you are reading or if you are participating in your own weekend challenge. Once again this has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
I am going to add to this #fridayreads phenomenon by suggesting some extra weekend challenges. Now, you don't have to follow along with these challenges, but I encourage you to participate in these challenging endeavors. When you read my weekend challenges you will probably think there aren't too challenging and that his some what the point. This weekend challenges is to finish the Vampire Diaries: The Fury and to reach page four hundred in Inheritance. Those are my challenges and the #fridayreads feel free to comment what you are reading or if you are participating in your own weekend challenge. Once again this has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
weekend challenge
New Bern, NC, USA
The Call of the Wild Review
What is there to say about this novel? Its from an incredible author, Jack London, whom most people won't read unless in high school or college. The novel is the heart and soul of American frontier with the wilderness and animal life. What makes this novel so, fantastic is the fact that its from the prospective of a dog. I guarantee there will not be a dry eye after reading this novel. The way Jack London set the story into motion is realistic in style and you would wish you could write as marvelous as he. Without further anticipation I give to you the review that you have been waiting to read.
This story was fantastic and wonderful to read. The main character was from the prospective of a dog named Buck. As you progress through the story Buck becomes more in tuned with the wild hence the Call of the Wild. Overall an excellent piece of literature, but forewarn this novel will bring some tears to your eyes because of the animal cruelty toward the sledge dogs. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Call of the Wild,
New Bern, NC, USA
Wicked: Witch & Curse Review
book review,
Wicked: Witch & Curse
New Bern, NC, USA
Top 10 Series I Want to Start But Haven't Yet!
I wrote in my introduction post that Wednesday would be wacky fun days where I will have tags, favorite and/or anything really wacky and fun. The first installment of Wacky Wednesday will be a tag. The tag was started by Inthebookcorner: The tag is a youtube book tag about the top series you want to start but haven't. I am going to do this tag a little different and the book series that I list will be want to read and also wants that the first in the series but never finished.

Top 5 series never completed:
Top 5 series never completed:
- The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
- Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage
- Curse Worker series by Holly Black
- Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon
- The Infernal Device Trilogy by Cassandra Clare
Top 5 series started/finished first in series:
- The Fallen series by Thomas E. Sniegoski
- His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman
- Firelight series by Sophie Jordan
- The Mortal Instrument series by Cassandra Clare
- Skarlet: The Vampire Trinity by Thomas Emson
This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The Color Purple Review
Its Wednesday and you know what that means its wacky Wednesday, but first I am going to give you another review. Once again it a book review that I read in an English however this was my college American Literature class that I needed to get my associates degree. In the course we read three novels and numerous short stories. The three novels were The Color Purple, The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn and The House on Mango Street. However I only reviewed The Color Purple.
The Color Purple by Alice Walker is an awesome read not just for women however that was the author primary target, but even males should read and learn from this novel. Ultimately, this novel and its concept can still be applied in today society; the hard struggle of a young teenage girl except for the part about the father marrying the daughter off to the first guy interested and then forcing her to do back breaking labor on top of performing sex. Young teenage girl are still struggling today with being teenage mother and attending school. Also taking care of the children from a previous marriage. This novel was the Secret of American Teenager before the actual show. Great read and highly recommended. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
The Color Purple by Alice Walker is an awesome read not just for women however that was the author primary target, but even males should read and learn from this novel. Ultimately, this novel and its concept can still be applied in today society; the hard struggle of a young teenage girl except for the part about the father marrying the daughter off to the first guy interested and then forcing her to do back breaking labor on top of performing sex. Young teenage girl are still struggling today with being teenage mother and attending school. Also taking care of the children from a previous marriage. This novel was the Secret of American Teenager before the actual show. Great read and highly recommended. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Alice Walker,
book review,
The Color Purple
New Bern, NC, USA
The Odyssey Review and Frankenstein Review
What is with me posting all of these English classes reviews. The next review was in fact quite an impressing read when in the class. I remember the class like it was yesterday, the teacher had the character posted on the white board and we read the story in a play format. Now, I was the best reader or brightest student, but I always try to select one part because it help me to improve in my sociability. Grant it the part was always the smallest part on the white board so, I never had that many lines to read. However, the story does have action, romance and mythologies; the story is a must read if you are a lover of fantasy.
I decided to pair the Odyssey with Frankenstein. Even though I read Frankenstein my Senior year and the Odyssey Freshmen year. My personal opinion about reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley for a English class was the worst possible novel choice because of the slow start which isn't bad, but when the teacher ask for numerous assignment along with reading the novel it horrible. Keeping that I read this novel for English class I truly believe that its an excellent novel, but I differently advice the reader to read on their own time and not as a school assignment.This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
I decided to pair the Odyssey with Frankenstein. Even though I read Frankenstein my Senior year and the Odyssey Freshmen year. My personal opinion about reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley for a English class was the worst possible novel choice because of the slow start which isn't bad, but when the teacher ask for numerous assignment along with reading the novel it horrible. Keeping that I read this novel for English class I truly believe that its an excellent novel, but I differently advice the reader to read on their own time and not as a school assignment.This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Mary Shelley,
New Bern, NC, USA
Night review
What a treat I decided to do another review and once again the novel was a tenth grade reading assignment. I remember reading Night by Elie Wiesel crying my eyes out when I got finish with the novel because of the rich texture of the novel. Remembering how sad I felt after finishing the novel and I wept at how we can allow something as horrid as the holocaust. After reading, I just had to find more information about World War two. A must read for anyone and everyone that needs to read the horrid of what happen. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
New Bern, NC, USA
The Count of Monte Cristo Review
Another review and another day what surprise is a surprise. Suggested in my first post I am trying to upload all of my reviews from goodreads so, that the people can be able to receive the review in twice as many place as possible. I don't know if I will try to upload to separate reviews for each site, one review only upload to both sites or just upload a review to the blog. I eventually will run out of review, but I am going to upload reviews on a semi regular bases when I am done with the backlog. What I am thinking about reviewing wise is that I will post on the blog first, then after a month I will post the same review on goodreads maybe even alter the text a little bit.
Now for today's book review which was a summer reading assignment back in tenth grade even though I didn't take that English class because I was a point away from the qualification. The novel by Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, was not bad summer reading assignment. Edmund Dantes accused of a crime he didn't committed and then he seeks the revenge for his false imprisonment. No wonder a movie was made of this novel because the background of the story just screams movie idea, but then again most movies always are based on some piece of literature. This novel made be huge, but don't let that scare you the pages will fly faster than what you think. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
Now for today's book review which was a summer reading assignment back in tenth grade even though I didn't take that English class because I was a point away from the qualification. The novel by Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, was not bad summer reading assignment. Edmund Dantes accused of a crime he didn't committed and then he seeks the revenge for his false imprisonment. No wonder a movie was made of this novel because the background of the story just screams movie idea, but then again most movies always are based on some piece of literature. This novel made be huge, but don't let that scare you the pages will fly faster than what you think. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.
book review,
Count of Monte Cristo,
New Bern, NC, USA
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