
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Review

Reviews and reviews is that all you come to me for or do you love the witty blander? I am just kidding or am I? Lets get down to business crazies and start what is by far the funnies novel that I have ever read in my collection. First off I heard about this author when I took an English literature course in college called American Literature. What I loved about that course was the professor had each student read countless short stories and three novels throughout the semester. One of the short story was by the author who wrote this novel in which was very similar to his childhood. I think that is one reason why this novel is so well done is because the author, Sherman Alexie, through his personal life into the story making the novel a semi-autobiography which means that some of the situation actually happen to the author, but the setting was changed.

This novel is excellent in every way. It has laughter, pace, excitement and processes everything that ordinary life throw at a person. In this particular case, the life affected was the life of an Indian boy with a medical condition. Even with the fact that the boy has a medical condition, it doesn't dwell on that fact instead it shows the boy trying everything in his power to better his life than that of an average Indian on the reservation. Sherman Alexie is a fantastic author, I have read many of his short stories and fell in love with his writing. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian being somewhat of a semi-autobiographical novel of Alexie's life as a child really helps to drive home the stake of the hardships faced by the North American Indians. The only negative thing about this novel which doesn't affect me, but might offend other people and that negative would be the language used in this book. Overall, a must read book for the laughter, excitement and the coming-of-age story. This has been your surrogate crazy signing off, live in let live.


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